
Do you know where your poll is?

April 24, 2012

voteToday is primary election day in Pennsylvania. The Committee of Seventy has a handy online guide to polling places. Just go here, enter your address and it will map your polling place.

This primary will be a dry run for Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law. That means that poll workers will ask you for ID, but you can vote whether you have it or not – as long as you have voted in the same precinct before. New voters in a precinct will need to show ID.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Andy L. Says:

    Here’s a good link if you want to know who’s on the ballot based on your address:

  2. Kim Woodbridge Says:

    I did a change of name voter registration recently and had to show ID – I guess it’s considered a *new* registration.

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