
Grays Ferry Avenue Bridge undergoing reconstruction

January 31, 2019

Since the beginning of this month, PennDOT has been doing rehabilitation work on Grays Ferry Avenue Bridge, which connects the Kingsessing neighborhood in Southwest Philly with the Grays Ferry neighborhood on the east bank of the Schuylkill River. The bridge was built in 1976 and includes four lanes of traffic in both directions.

Here’s what motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians should expect in the next couple of years (the entire bridge rehabilitation project is expected to be completed in late 2020). 

The project includes repairing the structure and substructure of the bridge, replacing expansion joints, resurfacing the bridge deck, and milling and paving the approaches on Grays Ferry Avenue from 48th Street to 35th Street, according to PennDOT.

For cyclists and pedestrians, a 10-foot-wide, barrier‐separated multi‐use trail will be created on the eastbound side of the bridge, and new Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) equipment, signing, pavement markings and lighting will be installed.

During the first stage of construction, westbound Grays Ferry Avenue will be closed between Grove Street and Paschall Avenue, and traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction on the eastbound side of Grays Ferry Avenue.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. grotesque omg Says:

    This is awful. Especially with all the new construction and insisting on shoving more people into west philly, this bridge is already crowded. this is gonna be a traffic nightmare for years. It was already bad.

  2. LW Says:

    Agreed, the traffic situation is going to be awful. It’s jammed up enough as it is. But the separated multi-use trail sounds good!

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