
Winter sidewalks might get wider

November 14, 2010

The remnants of one of last winter’s storms on 44th St. near Spruce.

A bill is in the Philadelphia City Council that would require building owners to shovel a wider path through sidewalk snow. Bill 100752, now in the Streets and Services committee, would require a 36-inch path (versus the current 30-inch path that is the current law) within six hours of the end of the snowfall.

The bill follows one of the snowiest winters in decades – a winter so snowy that restaurants and bar owners offered drastic price cuts for those who ventured out for a pint and a burger.

Councilwoman Donna Miller is sponsoring the bill, which would presumably make it easier for wheelchairs, baby strollers and people walking by each other to get by on the sidewalks in the event of deep snow.

Here is a link to the bill.

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