
Get your wreaths

November 29, 2010

I know … it seems like just last week it was summer. Get over it. In fact, a good way to get over it – if you’re so inclined – is to pick up a holiday wreath or swag. We can help you out with that. Well, actually Lauren Leatherbarrow can help you out. The West Philly gardener extraordinaire is once again selling holiday greenery. Lauren advises everyone to pre-order and pre-pay for wreaths. The pre-order deadline for poinsettia plants is long gone. She will have some wreaths for sale on spec on Dec. 4 at 517 Woodland Terrace from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and that’s also where and when the pick-up is for pre-ordered stuff.

Proceeds from sales will go to the Boy Scout Troop 152 at St. Francies De Sales Parish, the University City Garden Club and UC Green, the youth choirs of St. Peter’s Church (3rd and Pine Streets) and the local chapter of the Habitat for Humanity.

A price list and order form is available below. For more information, call 215-386-3905.


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