
West Philly storyteller a “noisemaker of the year”

December 15, 2010

West Philly storyteller Juliet Hope Wayne is one of Philadelphia Weekly’s Noisemakers of the Year. The alternative weekly writes:

“Wayne has an uncanny talent for crafting anecdotes into exquisitely hilarious five-minute yarns she unravels with infectiously wicked glee. We won’t spoil the fun by revealing the punch lines but rest assured the story “Poundcake” can make anyone, especially anyone who’s ever spent time in the dark underbelly trenches of restaurant work, burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter approaching Double Rainbow levels.”

Wayne’s storytelling prowess has been featured most notably on The Moth podcast, which is a prime digital destination for storytellers these days. As the Weekly mentions, last year Wayne was the first woman named The Moth’s “grand slampion.”

Not bad for someone whose first attempt at storytelling before an audience brought on nerves so bad she threw up in the bathroom at the Japanese restaurant next door before taking the stage. Like most good storytellers, Juliet has that enviable ability to tell little yarns about her own life that make us laugh. I mean, like, out loud belly laugh. Oh yeah, and she had a drug problem.

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