
West Philly way back

January 7, 2011

OK. This is a pretty easy one. Know where this 1954 photo was taken? Click on “comments” to answer.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. dan reed! Says:

    I’m guessing that this is on Locust between 44th and 43rd streets. The Acme is now the CVS at the corner of 43rd and Locust. The building in the foreground on the left is gone now, isn’t it? But up ahead I can see the row of buildings where today there’s Evan’s Pizza, Cafe Clave and the laundromat.

  2. m.parker Says:

    locust looking towards 43rd?

  3. Brian Siano Says:

    Yep, it’s the 4300 block of Locust, looking east. That house on the left was torn down about ten years ago, because it became structurally unsound– those of us who lived here then remember how the sills of those two windows were _waaay_ off level, and the window casings had formed trapezoids.

  4. Pamela Says:

    Wow! Incredible! I’m so impressed that you all could guess that! 😉 I used to live right around the corner and I didn’t get it.

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