
Philly mag writer doesn’t watch TV at Fiume

January 22, 2011

We found this breezy little piece on the Philadelphia Magazine website earlier this week that continues to chronicle the growing legend of Fiume, the perfectly quirky little beer and whiskey bar at 45th and Locust. Writer Robert Huber uses the lack of televisions at Fiume to underscore what happens every night at this placeĀ  – impromptu, elbow-to-elbow conversations with a wide swath of folks. In Huber’s case on this night, it’s a couple of Greek Ph.D. students and a social worker.

Huber writes:

There are no TVs. I am sorry to harp on a simple point but it is also so dark in here that reading would be a challenge, so there are three possibilities:


Listen to Billie Holliday, now singing. It could be Tammy Wynette. Or Tiny Tim.

Or talk.

Not bad choices these days. You can read the entire piece here.

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