
Tree pruning workshop/potluck this Saturday

February 1, 2011

Join fellow tree enthusiasts (tree pruning enthusiasts to be exact) for the Second Annual Limb-Up this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Woodlands Cemetery (40th and Woodland).

The Limb Up is a discussion/workshop in starting a neighborhood pruning club. The event also includes pruning instruction followed by a potluck lunch. The workshop will take place outside the cemetery’s main gates. No experience is necessary.  The lunch and discussion will follow at the cemetery mansion, which will be open at 9:30 a.m. for potluck drop offs. Please RSVP to Christine at cwilleford – at –

The Limb Up  is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society and its Tree Tenders program and UC Green.

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