
Windermere rally, Day 2 (update with video)

February 14, 2011

A few protesters from today’s rally camped out on a crane parked nearby that was brought in for the demolition. (Photo by Mike Lyons)


Residents and protesters are back at the Windermere Court Apartments at 48th and Walnut this morning to rally for permission to reenter the building. Unfortunately,  the demolition crews are there too.

Reports come out of the protests now are that the city is pressing for the demolition of the building and that the owners are lobbying to stop it. Several residents who have snuck into the building in recent days to retrieve their belongings have said that many of the apartments have been ransacked by looters.

Former residents want to get into the building to look for lost pets and belongings left behind after the fire. The city has declared the building “imminently unsafe” and the absentee owners, who have not communicated with residents, have ordered the building to be demolished.

Here is an interview with one of the organizers and a former resident, J.B. Farley:


2 Comments For This Post

  1. m.parker Says:

    am stuck at work and can’t join the rally. Am not seeing anything on the local news sites… what’s happening out there??

  2. Lynn Major Says:

    This is an absolute disgrace.
    I thought there was an injunction to stop the demolition?
    Hoping that reason will prevail here – and quickly!

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