
Milton Street and the mummy maker – West Philly in the News

February 17, 2011

Milton Street announces his candidacy for mayor under the El at 52nd and Market Streets. (Photo by Lindsay Lazarski for NewsWorks).

Two stories caught our eye this morning.

• One was Milton Street’s announcement for mayor from aboard a rented pick-up truck at the El station at 52nd and Market. WHYY‘s Dave Davies went to the announcement and noted that Street’s announcement in the heart of West Philadelphia drew little attention from passersby. One woman, upon hearing that Street was announcing his candidacy, told Davies: “Milton Street? He is? Oh my god,” said one woman. “Oh my god — that’s my opinion.” Street, the brother of former Mayor John Street, has an interesting history in Philadelphia politics and business. A 2006 Philadephia Magazine article helps fill in some background.

• A second story from the Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Tirdad Derakhshani tells the story of Benjamin Neiditz, who came to the rescue of the Penn Museum earlier this month to create two mummies who stood in for the mummies that were supposed to be part of the museum much celebrated exhibit “Secrets of the Silk Road.” The real mummies had been ordered to remain in their crates by the Chinese government, sending museum curators scrambling to find replacements. Neiditz, the exhibit carpenter, has experience making mummies. “I had a blast making these mummies,” he says of the two papier-mâché dummies he created using photos of the originals.

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