
Fire above Saad’s ruled arson

February 25, 2011

The Philadelphia Fire Marshall’s Office has confirmed that the Feb. 16 fire at 4500 Walnut St. above Saad’s Halal Restaurant was the work of an arson.

Deputy Chief Frank Bonner would not pinpoint the exact cause of the fire, which destroyed three floors of apartments above Saad’s, but did say it was intentionally set.

“It’s an open investigation,” Bonner said today, noting that anyone with information on the fire should notify the 18th police district.

He also confirmed that the man shown in a video first released on West Philly Local being led from the building and handcuffed during the fire is not a suspect in the case.

The case now goes to detectives in the 18th police district.

The fire began on the third floor of the four-story building, trapping residents on the top floor. All the residents were rescued from the fourth floor and two people were taken to hospital for minor injuries.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. jes Says:


  2. no Says:

    So. Three fires in four weeks. One is a confirmed arson. The other two…?

  3. Joe Clarke Says:

    According to today’s paper, the one at the transitional living center was caused by smoking in bed.

  4. Mike Lyons Says:

    Joe’s right on the 4536 Spruce fire. The cause at Windermere has officially been listed as “undetermined.”

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