
Funeral arrangements for community leader Paul Brooks

March 7, 2011

Funeral services will be held Saturday for Paul Brooks, a community leader in West Philadelphia who started the Clark Park Youth Soccer League, was a past president of the Friends of Clark Park and fought for legal justice for low-income Philadelphians as an attorney with Community Legal Services.

Brooks died Feb. 5 of complications from thyroid cancer, the diagnosis of which he had kept secret from most friends for years. He was 52.

The University City Review has a story about Brooks here.

The funeral will take place at the Iron Gate Theater (37th and Chestnut) beginning at 10 a.m. The burial will follow at the Woodlands Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Paul Brooks Youth Soccer Scholarship Fund. Please make checks payable to “Friends of Clark Park” with “Paul Brooks Soccer Fund” on the memo line. They can be dropped off or sent to:

Paul Brooks Soccer Fund, c/o Frank Innes, 4522 Regent Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143-3723.


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