
Spring Clean-up April 2; project deadline March 18

March 8, 2011

cleanupThe annual Philly Spring Clean-up is scheduled for April 2. Folks can volunteer for organized projects (the University City District is hosting a couple on Baltimore Avenue) or just step outside your own door and go to work for a little while.

We will try to keep track of individual projects as they are announced. If you would like to sign up to volunteer for a project go here. If you want to propose a project to attract volunteers go here. The deadline for submitting a project is March 18.

To volunteer for a project with the University City District, contact Dexter Bryant at or 215-243-0555 x236.

Last year 11,213 people throughout the city signed up to volunteer on 231 official project sites. More than 1.3 million pounds of trash was collected along with 139,540 pounds of recycling. Fifty parks and recreation centers and 763 city blocks were cleaned.

Mayor Michael Nutter is really into this project, so we’ll let him tell you more about it:


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