
Important school reform meeting set for Wednesday in West Philly

March 21, 2011

A panel that includes the city controller, a state representative, educators and school reform activists will discuss a host of issues facing West Philly schools Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Calvary Center for Community and Culture (48th and Baltimore).

Sponsored by the reform organization Teacher Action Group, the issues that panelists will likely discuss include teacher layoffs, school closings, community involvement in the schools and the transition of local schools, including West Philadelphia High School, to “promise academies.”

The panelists include:

• Alan Butkovitz, City Controller
• State Representative James Roebuck, Democratic Chair of House Education Committee
• David Lapp, Staff Attorney, Education Law Center
• Dr. James H. “Torch” Lytle, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education professor and former District administrator
• Joshua Glenn, Youth Art and Self-Empowerment Project
• Arlene Kempin, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, general vice president

Among the most controversial is the possible closing of schools that are underperforming and below capacity, including a handful of schools in West Philadelphia. Currently 70,000 seats are empty in the district’s 300 buildings. District officials have said that it will close, consolidate and relocate schools to increase school efficiency.

The Notebook last week released a document leaked from the District that shows which schools would be likely candidates for closure. In West Philadelphia this includes Charles R. Drew Elementary School (3724 Warren St.), which, according to The Notebook, has “high repair costs, a poor academic score and is only a third full.”

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