
Citizen planning courses available

April 3, 2011


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If you are interested in or concerned about the planning process in West Philly or elsewhere in the city, then you should check out the courses offered by the Citizen Planning Institute aimed at helping residents learn the planning process. The institute is an outreach arm of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.

The one-off evening classes begin April 25. The “core” courses include:

• The BIG Picture: Planning in the City, April 25

• Land Use and Zoning 101, May 5

• The Development Process: Nuts and Bolts, May 9

The cost for all three sessions combined is $30. Completion of the core allows residents to participate in “elective” courses on commercial development, public transport and healthy communities and environmental justice.

The deadline for applying for courses is April 8.

The application is available here in the column on the right side of the screen.

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