
Crazy about manga

April 14, 2011

mangaEvery couple of weeks a small room in the Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library at 52nd and Sansom is converted into a shrine to the Japanese comic art genre of manga. Teens and ‘tweens (10-12 year-olds) stop by to talk manga, draw manga, read manga and even listen to music about manga.

Manga, which in Japan is read by all segments of society, has swept through this generation of American kids in Harry Potter-like fashion.

“It appeals to a wide range of what you’re looking for,” said Shaunda, a Philadelphia High School for Girls student. “If you’re looking for fantasy, they have fantasy. They’re got action and lots of romance.”

Librarians have welcomed the interest in manga and have dedicated more money to bolster library collections.

“Some of the stories are kind of fantastic,” said Blackwell librarian Jeanne Hamann.

She added that kids who grew up with Pokemon were sort of “primed” for manga.

Hamann also said interest in manga has opened a window into Japanese culture for many.

That was certainly evident at this week’s Manga Cafe. As fans sat at table drawing, reading and talking manga, Japanese music played in the background. Kids leafed through Japanese magazines and Japanese food was served.

See the slideshow below for a better look at the Manga Cafe.


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