
Fatal shooting near 51st and Spruce Monday night (update)

April 26, 2011

Police are still searching for the person who shot a 25-year-old man  near the corner of 51st and Irving (see map below) Monday night. Police were called to the scene at about 9 p.m. to find Leon McMillan, 27, shot twice in the chest. He later died at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. McMillan lived a block away onn the 5100 block of Locust

The fatal shooting is the second in two days in West Philadelphia. Eighteen-year-old Jarell Seay was shot on the front porch of his home on the 1300 block of N. 55th Street on Sunday. No arrests have been made in the shooting. The Philadelphia Inquirer published a story yesterday about Seay’s parents’ struggle with their son’s death.

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