
Scam alert: Several accounts of woman saying she was abused, asking for money

May 12, 2011

Several people are reporting that they have been approached by a woman (maybe more than one) saying she had been a victim of domestic abuse and asking for train or bus fare to a shelter. When people have helped it became clear that the woman just wanted the money. These incidents have occurred over several months.

West Philly resident Kyle Cassidy wrote on the UCNeighbors listserv today:

I was on a neighbor’s porch last night when a young woman approached us saying that her boyfriend had just beaten her up and she needed to get to a domestic violence shelter but the nearest one was in XYZ and she needed cab & train fare. The neighbor is a social worker and was sure there was some place closer. With your help we rapidly found a nearby shelter, the neighbor called and found a bed available on 13th and arch — put the young woman on the phone with intake and she proceeded to have a bizarre one way conversation along the lines of “you’re closed? the only shelter you know if is in XYZ? That’s so far away. I’ll see if I can get cab and train fare.” Neighbor spoke to intake again who denied telling the young woman this at which point she walked away.

Since that posting several people have reported similar experiences. Obviously, the tricky part of this one is that no one wants to turn someone away who really needs help. No one has reported that this woman (women) has become combative or violent, so calling the police probably is not the answer. Below are some numbers that might be helpful if this happens to you. They are for local shelters, complaint hotlines, the UC Ambassadors, etc., who could help a person if they are legit. Thanks to resident Theresa Tsai for the following info:

• Abuse Assistance Unit
34 South 11th Street, Room 242
Philadelphia, PA 19107

• Women Against Abuse Hotline  
215-386-7777 (24 hours)
(shelter request made through them)

• Women Against Abuse Legal center

• Women in Transition Hotline                              
215-751-1111 (24 hours)

• Southwest Domestic Abuse Unit-West & Southwest Division (12th, 18th,16th,19th
Police Districts)
5510 Pine S. Street

• UC Ambassadors
215-898-WALK (9255)

62 Comments For This Post

  1. Molly Says:

    This woman seems to be hanging outside of Pasqualle’s, near 43rd and Locust lately. She seems to have the same line everytime, but never actually gets into a cab or on the bus.

  2. Olivia Says:

    This woman approached me several months ago at 42nd & Spruce. She had a convoluted story about trying to get to 30th Street Station. When I offered her a token, she wouldn’t take it (she wanted cash instead).

    After that, I completed a self-defense class at the 40th & Chestnut police station. I mentioned this woman to the police officer and the officer said she knows of this woman. Apparently this woman stole someone’s purse in one encounter.

    I suggest being polite, but not offering assistance.

  3. S-L Says:

    Asking for change for the bus or subway is a pretty common ploy. There is also an older man who I have seen several times hanging around the trolley stops down Baltimore Ave. His story is asking for money to get to a homeless shelter downtown. While waiting at stops I’ve seen him accept money and then not get into a trolley.

  4. Melissa Santangelo Says:

    A friend and I were approached by a young woman a few months ago on 44th & Baltimore who gave us a similar story. We spoke with her for a few minutes and she actually began crying. When we took her inside and offered to call social workers we know, her story began to disintegrate. This happened in March, maybe February.

  5. Cara Says:

    The underlying tone of this post, and the comments, makes me a little uncomfortable. I was approached several weeks ago by a woman just north of Market on 36th St. She had a very detailed account of needing to get to a domestic violence shelter, said she was pregnant, etc. Not having any cash and not feeling comfortable going to an ATM, I called a friend who was nearby and she came and we gave the woman a few dollars and a token. After the woman entered the trolley station, my friend told me she had given her money several months earlier, and her story had been the same (including pregnancy).

    I did feel taken aback, misled, and manipulated–but I still wouldn’t describe this woman or people like her as “scammers.” This is not a high-level scam, it’s someone who literally does not have $5 to her name. It is true that my friend and I may have financed a drug deal or whatever else–but whatever place that woman was in, I would be willing to bet there’s been a fair amount of trauma in her life, even if the exact story she told us wasn’t true. Is what she’s doing right? I wouldn’t say so. But I also don’t think it’s right for the privileged people of University City (myself included) to vilify someone whose main “crime” may simply be deep poverty.

  6. Rachel Says:

    The definition of a scam is a fraudulent scheme. Lying to people to get money is a scam. This woman or women are taking advantage of people’s kindness and willingness to help and in return is making us less likely to help people in the future, when we realize we’ve been had. Having someone lie to your face and knowing you’re being lied to is an uncomfortable experience. One of these women approached me with the same story twice on my quiet residential block one week apart. Many, many people in this city are poor and I work with them every day. Most of them don’t lie to strangers for money. I don’t vilify poverty and I don’t vilify drug addiction, but I think this woman or women needs help that is more useful than giving her $5 or letting her steal our purses. And I don’t think it is wrong to share our personal experiences with each other on this neighborhood blog. (I’m writing as someone who has given money to numerous people who needed it for the bus or subway and didn’t get on, needed orange juice for diabetes and headed away from the 7-11 down the block, claimed to be a skateboarder from the suburbs stranded in the city, and a woman who knocked on my door at 3 a.m. asking for money for kerosene. Each one made it clear after they got the money, token whatever that they weren’t going to use it for what they said. This has made me less trusting and generous, and that is sad.)

  7. Barbara Says:

    I agree with Cara – I fell for this scam too, so I feel like a big sucker, but then again it’s better to lose 20 bucks and some food than risk not helping someone in real need. Maybe she was not abused, maybe she makes a living out of this, who cares, in the end my conscience is clear.

  8. Jenny Says:

    i’ve been approached by this same lady twice!! once in february by 30th st station, and another time JUST NOW downtown at 17th and locust. she said she was looking for a community help center/shelter and she knew where she had to be but didn’t know how to get there and that it was for domestic abuse. the first time she asked for money but i didnt have any, the second time she didn’t ask for money just where it was. i was wondering if it was a scam- and i find it VERY interesting other people have reported her.. she was white/had light brown hair/seemed in her late 20s…

  9. Jusin Says:

    I was approached by this woman about 2 months ago at 42nd and walnut. She was crying and gave the same exact story about trying to get to 30th street to get to a shelter. Probably like 5’5”, blond hair, shoulder length blond hair, middle aged. Wasnt pushy or combative in any way.

  10. Lori Says:

    I think i know who this woman is, if it is who i am thinking of, I was a victim too, I met her in february while on a night out on the town, She told me she had just left her husband of 12 years, he was abusing her and cheating on her and she finally left. She was a acquaintance of some people we were going out with. We hit it off that night we became what I thought was friends, we exchanged numbers and facebook accounts, That night i drank too much, and the next morning I thought I had lost my braclet while out. I think she stole it while i was throwing up in my fiancees cousins bathroom from my wrist now. a couple of weeks past and some pictures went up on her face book of a badly beaten woman, I felt so terrible this was the third time since we had met that i seen she had been “beat” by her husband. I had been in am abusivce marriage for 11 years so I could relate. I offered her help, which she indeed took, I went into the city bought her food because she had no money. I work for an apartment complex. i was scared for her life, I again was in this situation in the past, I offered her an apartment away from where she was to help her, with no security deposit required, the only stipulation she could not let her husband or any one really know where she was going, she would have to get her self a job and a new life. I did not ask as many questions as I should have, I simply wanted to help save her life. as I was in the process of helping her, i receievd a call from another person warning me that she had a drug problem and to be careful, still i believed her life was in danger I though she would take the help and the opportunity to change her life. I helped her move from her place in the city with just really the clothes on her back and a car full of personal items, i furnished the apartmemt with stuff that was left behind by others in the complex that i could collect, moved it all into this unit for her. She told me she was pregnant, I felt terrible for her, she told me she had kidney stones and showed me hospital paperwork, i took her to a local hospital in my area, got her help, paid for perscriptions, got her again food. Took her back to the apartment, all with my baby in tote. I went home, did not look in my purse, I didnt have work the next day and no reason to check my wallet for money. The following day, i went to get some money and realized that 250.00 was missing, still i didnt see her take the money how could i accuse her. so i didnt. another week passed and I was still in contact with her obviously, The following saturday she called me telling me she was bored. I felt bad, this woman I had moved from the city to the sub-burbs, where she didnt know any one i offered to pick her up and she could come watch some movies at my house with me and my fiancee for the evening. I though I was more cautious this time, keeping my purse in my room. She came she stayed over for the night. I asked my fiancee to drive her back to the apartment in the morning before breakfast, I even lent her a laptop so she could write a resume and email applications over the next couple of weeks. While he took her i tended to our baby and gave her a bath, I went to run to the store with her when I noticed that some coins were knocked out of an old purse on my Dresser, and that a box which held a braclet was open and the box was empty, my heart dropped, my braclet was gone. This braclet was my aunts who when she passed left it to my mother- She raised my mother and helped raise me, my mother passed away a year ago from cancer and the braclet came to me. It was a very expensive braclet, but it could have been worthless this was the only good peice of jewerly i owned and it meant more then the world to me and it was gone. I checked my purse which again was in my room all night away from her next to me where i slept, and 114.00 was gone. I called my fiancee who was now almost home, he took her to McDonalds to grab something to eat, she didnt have any money when she came over…..But she had pulled out money to pay for her breakfast…..My money i suppose, anyhow, I figured I woudl speak to her monday when I went to work about things were not going to work out, and that i knew she would need to find another place to live, i was going to ask her for my braclet back and confront her. Monday came and she was no where to be found, she told me she had court on tuesday for charges of her husband beating her, tuesday she put a posting on facebook over there being no justice in the world taht her husband wasnt charged with beating her, and she called me later incoherant rambling….telling me she was going to stay with her mom. Wednesday, she called and aksed me if i wanted to buy some diet pills, slurring, i said no and she hund up, thursday I got a call from the same person who tried to warn me before telling me taht this woman was in jail for violating a PFA against her. I looked up this womans record on the wev and, yes there is a PFA against her that she did violate for harassment, stalking and terroristic threats, along with pending drug charges and a whole sleue of criminal charges for drugs, harassment, violence, theft and so on….So Friday, I went to the apartment knowing that she had my laptop to look for my lap top, to see if my braclet was in there and to feed a kitten that she had, While I got my laptop and fed the cat i checked the bedroom to see if my braclet was in there, i knocked over a bad where some drugs fell out along with a pipe for the drugs and some brillo and a spoon along with other parafanila, I opened her closet and there were more then 40 purses in there, I looked into some of them, I found ID’s and lots of them, empty wallets, credit cards and so on, none of what were hers, I saw jewerly with these items bagged with certain things. I called the police to collect the drugs. I believe she is still in jail, I hope she stays there and gets clean in all honesty because I do believe she was in an abusive relationship, i do not wish her any harm or bad luck, now i am stuck with a kitten, a bunch of empty bags, which are probably stolen and out 364.00 and a braclet and god knows what else. So if anyone does get approached she is a drug addict she is a scam artist and she is very believable. I will still help who i can, but I will defintly be more cautious on who I trust and to what extent. i thank the woman who called to warn me, and have developed a friendship with her because she knows her as well and she too was conned, but she also knows that while this woman is a liar and a theif she had in deed had a rough life and also wishes her no harm, Just to anyone who reads this, offer her food, because she really doesnt have any, offer her a token, but money she will use for drugs, drugs which she does with this man who abuses her, she is pregnant, I knwo that from taking her to the hospital, she doesnt deserve the pregnancy in my opinion, she cant take care of her self obviously. Just wanted to post this because I was scammed also. She is 31, 5’4-5’5, small build dirty blonde to light brown sholder length hair, cute girl, will make you feel terrible for her, tell you about her life, her husband her daughter who she doesnt have coustody of but is trying to work on her life for….She is something else taht is for sure. Its a shame, the sad part, i have three kids, two from a previous marriage we were abused, i work hard for my money I dont have taht much but what I do have I would give to someoen who needed it if she had just asked me for the money I would have given it to her. So sad indeed.

  11. Rachel Says:

    Hey I just wanted to say this woman is back in action. I helped her out this past week and finally searched tonight to see if I had in fact been scammed. I must say it sounds like she has improved her skills. I normally have a good intuition and she is very believable. I am sure as many posters have said before that she has some real issues she plays off of. I am concerned about her record because she met me outside my house and knows where I live. I actually genuinely enjoyed her company during the time we spent together but am now feeling … well you all know.

  12. Sue Says:

    Yep. First time I have fallen for this type of thing – she’s good. I was approached last night around 9th & Spruce, initially she just wanted to know if there was a Womens Way around there. I wasn’t sure where the closest women’s shelter was, and then she came out with the story about having been shuttled around to different places all day, and there was room for her at a shelter somewhere near the end of the R5… when it became clear that I was going to get her a ticket, not give her money for it, she answered her phone and found out that there was a spot in one near 69th street, necessitating cab fare. Seems obvious now. She said her name was Dana. Mid 30s. Claimed to be 15 weeks pregnant.

  13. Sherry W Says:

    Your best bet is to never give anyone money or goods on the street for any reason or story whatsoever. The fact is you are giving them a very good target to rob you with your wallet or purse out. If someone really is abused, homeless and needs help getting to a shelter, the bets thing to do is to tell them you will call the authorities in a few minutes after you “get home” (don’t whip out your $300 smartphone) and see if the can provide assistance. The will of course, %99 decline your offer of calling for police aid.

    If this makes you feel too guilty, donate to a crisis center or another organization.

  14. Sara Says:

    I also fell for this tonight. I was approached by a woman in tears, asking for directions to a shelter called A Woman’s Place in Doylestown. I am generally pretty cautious so I asked a lot of questions; she seemed to know vaguely where she needed to get to, had the right name, the right directions, and quite a sob story about being abused by her significant other. There was no immediate or explicit request for money. I walked her to 30th St. Station, bought her a ticket, bought her food, and gave her $40 for taxi / food on the other end of the train ride.

    A few things made me suspicious about her: she kept complaining about the cold in a way that made me feel like she wasn’t psyched about walking to the train station; she walked pretty slow en route as well, indicating some reluctance; and right after I handed her the cash she said she had to go to the restroom, rather than waiting to use the restrooms on the train, which was due in the station in ten minutes. The real point at which I got suspicious was when she kept asking for my name and/or phone number so she could text me to when she got to the shelter; and at one point when all I offered was my e-mail address (the one without my name in it that I give to anyone I think will send me junk mail), she was entering it into her phone and, in a moment of frustration, her voice changed from the sad girlish voice she’d been using to one that sounded more like a mature and frustrated woman.

    I had already handed her the cash at that point but when she headed to the restroom I stayed around the corner and waited. She came out exactly ten minutes later, when her train was scheduled to leave, and then went out the exit. I followed a few steps behind and saw a taxi pull away; I assume it was her inside, as she was nowhere else to be seen.

    Totally sucks to be taken advantage of in this way, but didn’t want to take the risk that she was telling the truth and leave her out in the cold. Since she came all the way to the station like a trooper and kept the gig up for nearly an hour, I figure at least I made her work for the money. I also figure she probably needs that money more than I do… and, as a student with serious loans, I need it pretty bad — but I haven’t resorted to scamming people yet.

    Here’s what’s convincing about her: she will cry. She will also ramble quite fluidly about how she has been in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship for 7 years, since she was 19, her mother died 11 months ago, she has been wandering the city trying to get to a shelter but the last one she visited was full, she will pay you back once she gets settled, will show you her ID (which I unfortunately didn’t check), and so on.

    Finally, identifying info: average height (maybe 5’4″), a little overweight, long straight light-to-medium brown hair, was wearing a fleece, tight light blue jeans, carrying a backpack.

    Said her name was Dana Rementer, e-mail address, phone number 267.600.9939. I’d have reported her but honestly who knows if that info belongs to her, her mother, a friend, an enemy, or a stranger.

  15. m Says:

    I was approached today at Locust and 20th near the library. Fits the same description with the same bused looking for woman’s way so she can get voucher to get to the shelter. I called the shelter, a woman’s place to see how she should get there. They said they had no reservation. I told the woman and she gave me the number of the hotline. I told her again and she turned and walked away. Same description: 5’5 a little overweight, light brown straight hair in jeans and sweatshirt w small backpack. I thought I was pretty good at reading people but she is convincing and obviously has been keeping this up for a long time.

  16. Val Says:

    I have been approached by this woman twice at 40th & Woodland (trolley stop). The first time I gave her twenty dollars — she said she was abused, fleeing from her abusive partner, and trying to get to a shelter. She cried. The second time she walked up to me, several months later, her face all scrunched up ready to cry, and I said, “Don’t you remember me? I gave you $20 to find the women’s shelter. Did you have any luck?” She walked away.

  17. Go Sixers Says:

    This woman was around the area of the Comcast Center today.

    She comes right up to you, upset, and starts to cry. Says she is normal, been abused and fled the abusive relationship today, but ultimately after talking for a bit says she needs money to get out to a shelter in Norristown.

    Same description: 5’5, overweight, straight brown hair, jeans and sweatshirt.

  18. shazoooo! Says:

    someone should take her picture and make posters and plaster them around town

  19. brendangrad Says:

    These kinds of scams that pray on your sense of duty and humanity are the lowest of the low. This town is full of them. My fave is the old reliable “I don’t do drugs. I am not homeless. I just need to $2 so I can get a bus out to so and so so I can get back to my daughter.” I watched a guy in my neighborhood stop and successfully collect much more than the stated $2 this way. For fun I gave him $2 and then dissappeared but kept and eye on him and while he kept begging.

    Most of these people who give money were probably not naive but just couldn’t live with themselves if they didn’t help someone who could have been telling the truth. I hope there is such a thing as kharma for these people.

    I myself have a superstition that if you lie about something bad happening in your life or to your loved in order to gain something from others that you are asking for that bad thing to eventually happen to you. For example, I would never use some excuse like ‘my mom is in the hospital having heart problems’ to get out of going to work for fear that one day this horror story would actually happen.

  20. Kara Says:

    I was scammed by this woman yesterday. Her name is “Dana Rememter.” She is searchable on facebook. There is a pretty clear picture of she and her husband, who was with her. I gave her the money like a sucker but I followed her to the train station. He was walking across the street the whole time and was with her at the station. She says her email is If someone wants to get serious I’d post some pictures around town. I’m thinking of doing it near where I was scammed. Would she go to the same spot I wonder?

  21. Stacey Says:

    I wasn’t reading this blog when this post was originally published, but I was approached by this woman at *least* 3-4 times last year. The first time I was walking to the gym and although I thought her story sounded suspect anyway, I legitimately didn’t have money on me. Then a week or so later she approached me again with a variation of her original story so I knew she was full of shit.

  22. 46th Says:

    she TOTALLY got me this spring. I was all reved up and wanted to start an organization that helped women in her shoes get taxi fare paid for at the shelter, which Iooked up and called.
    She’s GOOD . We ate lunch together. She got her fare… wanted my phone number… which I did not give. Yes I looked on FB it’s definitely her.

  23. TinA Says:

    She came up to me tonight with the same story-gave her $20. She is an amazing actress and I wish I read this before I gave her the money! What a shame. Her name is Dana and her number is 267 581 2083. I blocked my number and called it to verify- comes up with her vm. I may try and report her to authorities.. Does anyone know if they would be able to do anything?

  24. Keith Says:

    PA does have laws against theft by deception, but for less than $50, it’s only a misdemeanor 3, which I believe is the lowest grade criminal offense on the books. They certainly WOULD be able to do something, and since she has stupidly put herself out there on the Internet and given out what may be a real phone number, I’d think there’s at least a slight chance they would do something, since it sounds like she’d be very easy to find, if they don’t already know.

    Whether they could do anything that would ever actually stop her from deceiving people in this way, though, is unlikely. Even if they brought her in, the worst they would probably do is fine her and move on. Even if she did end up with jail time, it would probably not be a deterrent.

  25. Rachel Says:

    She has an extensive criminal record, including jail time, which you can see if you search Dana Rementer here: (This is not to vilify people with criminal records, just to say that she has been arrested, charged with crimes, and been in jail during the time this thread has been active, and it doesn’t seem to have been a deterrent.)

  26. Sue Says:

    I looked on her facebook page and it seems that she had just gotten out of jail when she scammed me. Not a deterrent – on the contrary, she seems to have needed post-jail cash. Sigh.

    I sent Joe Murray (police officer in West Philly w/ a twitter account) the link to this thread, and he said there’s not a lot to do since people are choosing to give her money. He agreed that it’s low, and said he’d check into her file to see if there’s anything else going on.

  27. Julie Says:

    I’m really disappointed to see this posting back in action, not because of the alleged scammer but because of people’s indignation and anger. While I can understand that nobody likes to feel tricked or lied to, I encourage people to think about where this woman is coming from.

    I tend to think that this woman isn’t a great “actress” as someone said, but likely experiencing violence, oppression, poverty and whatever else. She has probably learned that people respond to tangible and explicit stories of violence, which frankly is true. I feel like we’re condemning someone who has learned how to live on the streets, even if it means lying to survive. I guarantee she’s been repeatedly fucked over by systems, society, and people in her personal life. If her one source of power and survival involves potentially exaggerating her experiences, I can’t blame her.

    I guarantee that this woman is no stranger to violence, and that the “stories” she’s telling are part of her experience — who cares if that’s past or present? Would we have more sympathy for her if we thought that perhaps her husband forces her to do this, perhaps threatening her with violence if she doesn’t make a certain amount of money? Could her “story” be so convincing because her safety depends on whether someone gives her five bucks? Stories like that are not uncommon for women everywhere, so I encourage you to think about that when you have an urge to report her, or call her a liar on this site.

  28. Keith Says:

    You’re jumping to conclusions, just the same. While I generally agree that anger is perhaps misplaced when it is directed at someone who is reduced to this kind of behavior to make a living, how are we to know what this woman’s life experiences have been? It might just be that she has no conscience and has found that it’s easier to prey on people’s instincts to protect the weak and vulnerable in order to make a buck, than it is to get a job and work for a living.

    Think about it – if 3 people a day are duped into giving this woman $20, she makes more than someone who worked 8 hours for minimum wage that day. You can guarantee all you want, but it is quite possible that this woman has discovered that she has a talent for hustling people on the streets, and it’s easier than working for a living. Sometimes people lie and cheat and steal simply because they are bad people. It’s a fact of life.

  29. 46er Says:

    Is it possible Julie’s real name is Dana? Just like anything on Internet, you got to read things with a grain of salt. For Julie, this is probably not a place for you to be too emotional.

  30. L Says:

    Jun 8th facebook update: “This is a good way to start a friday wake and bake have a good day peeps.” Looks like she’s putting all that money to good use. I’m a social worker, and I do not give people money on the street. Resources? Yes. Money? Never.

  31. ross Says:

    yes, the person on facebook is definitely the one who solicited me twice as an abused person. looks pretty clearly like a scam, which is a shame, for it means that another woman who is genuinely in distress will now be greeted with deep suspicion and probably rejection by any of those whom this woman has duped.

  32. Carole Says:

    was approached by Dana Rementer around 4th and Chestnut just today–badly bruised, black eye, etc. Same story I’ve been reading here–abusive husband of 12 years, snuck out fire escape in the middle of the night to escape, mother died of cancer 8 months ago. Very believable story about shelters being closed and needing fare to Kaurel House, I gave her $ (too much) for cab after making sure I heard her call Laurel House–I asked to speak to woman at shelter and suddenly her phone went dead. I feel like such a fool–I wanted to ask doorman in our apt. to call her a cab to get to Laurel House but she told me it would be cheaper for her to take train and then a taxi–I fell for it big time and am only glad I refused to give her my phone number. Be on the lookout for her.

  33. Myrina Says:

    I was also approached by her around Chestnut and 4th around August 8th. I too gave her money (too much). I actually saw burn marks on her. She told me her husband had thrown piss on her. She was talking fast but I thought that was because she was full of adrenaline from “escaping”. She is VERY good about weaving a very credible tale.

  34. Rachel Says:

    Given all the comments above, including that people have seen her with a man after getting money, and that she seems to have real injuries, it seems possible that he is abusing her and effectively pimping her out for money from sympathetic good-hearted people like many of us. She is obviously lying about her circumstances and what she needs the money for, but she likely needs help. Giving money if her husband/boyfriend/abuser is hurting her to get money in this way will not help her at all. It just perpetuates this cycle. Hopefully the next time one of us sees her we can ask her what’s really going on and try to get her some real help, not just give money that likely will be given to or shared with the abuser.

  35. Melissa Says:

    It can be disturbing to meet someone on the street and try to determine the right thing to do. One suggestion is to carry food with you, such as granola bars, to offer people who are asking for money or food. And call the experts for help, instead of putting yourself in the position of having to make a judgement about the best thing to do, including giving money. If you meet someone who is talking about abuse, the Women Against Abuse hotline is 866-723-3014. If you see someone who is homeless, or looks homeless, you can call Project H.O.M.E., where I work, and we will send out Outreach workers to assist the person. That number is 215-232-1985. If you put these phone numbers in your phone, you can be assured that if you come across a situation, you have someone to call, and that you don’t have to handle it yourself. Don’t hesitate to call.

  36. Melissa Says:

    Sorry-typo in the last email. The Project H.O.M.E. hotline is 215-232-1984.

  37. Jeanne Says:

    Being scammed is one thing…but giving money or food etc…to someone who is in need (regardless of why) is called kindness and compassion. Stop being so greedy and resentful that you gave money to someone who needed it for whatever reason and be thankful that you’re not in their shoes.

  38. Rachel Says:

    Jeanne, if “greedy and resentful” is how I came off, I didn’t express myself well. I feel genuine compassion and concern for this woman. I completely agree that kindness and compassion have motivated all who have given her money and bought her food. I think she needs real help and I appreciate Melissa’s post and the information in it very much. As for the “scam” aspect – would you give money to someone who said she really badly needed to buy heroin, crack or meth? Or who said she needed to give it to the man who beat her up yesterday? I wouldn’t, because I think that would hurt her more. If I ever see this particular woman again I will give her the number for Women Against Abuse and I’d give her food, but not money. Now, I’m too thin-skinned for internet insults, so I promise not to write any more on this post.

  39. Jeanne Says:

    My comment wasn’t directed at any one person in particular. And to answer your question, if someone asked me for money and I had it to give, even if they were honest and told me it was for drugs, I’d give them some. Addiction is a horrible, complicated and misunderstood disease. And if that person isn’t ready to get clean, they’re going to find the means to get what they need. Whether it be by asking folks for money or by other more dubious methods. I find it ironic that drug addicts carry such a stigma, yet there are food addicts all around us. And yes, that’s a topic that deserves its own thread.

  40. GoldenMonkey Says:

    Speaking as a food addict, I can only imagine what it takes to manipulate dozens and dozens of folks into giving you money. Well, that’s not entirely true…I often find myself canvasing South Philly to pay for my standing reservation at Bibou. Damn that pied de cochon!

  41. Michele Says:

    Yep. Me too. Just got hit the other day at 8th and spruce. Dana indeed. Went to the atm and got her $40 after seeing her out in the rain for almost a hour seeming frantic. She texted me from “the shelter”, so I have a cell phone number for her. I asked her who pays her cell phone bill (you would think her abusive boyfriend wouldve shut it off after realizing she escaped from the room he locked her in). She was asking me to western union her more money for underwear. I asked to speak to someone at “the shelter”. Nope, it’s all confidential. That’s when I knew I was scammed. I didn’t respond to her…

  42. tjc3844 Says:

    That’s just good ol’ american ingenuity. Shame on you all for trying to bring down this entrepreneur and job creator.

  43. Xxx Says:

    She is back at it!! Came up to me at 6th and spruce this morning. I had my phone out so I was an easy target for her story, calling the shelter etc. went by the name Jennifer today but definitely the same woman as I checked her Facebook to identify. Very believe, so disappointing

  44. Julia Says:

    She got me today for $20 at 34th and Spruce. I NEVER fell for anything like this before. I am so annoyed with myself. I’d give her hell on her Facebook page but I don’t want her to know who I am.

    I am so embarrassed.

    Oh well, I hope she enjoys her windfall.

  45. Miguel Says:

    I believe that a woman pulled this on my SO today. The woman’s story involves domestic abuse, leaving her husband of 15 years, need to get to a shelter in Doylestown, and needing $60.00 for a cab because the train doesn’t quite go there. I told my SO that she should report this person to the police but the police didn’t seem to care.

  46. Sarah Says:

    I also got scammed by this woman today, by the name of Jennifer. I’m a rape victim, so my heart went out to her. I spent 30 minutes talking with her, pretty much crying with her, helping her look up a shelter online at my workplace and “call a shelter.” After handing over some cash, I suddenly felt suspicious, and followed her around the corner, where she emerged with a man, who was clearly her dealer. Not only am I angry to be scammed, but it was also an incredibly triggering situation for someone like me. It’s going to be a shitty week. This happened on Penn’s campus, so I am going to notify the Penn police. Description: Wearing all black, black handbag, dyed reddish/brown hair, chubby, fairly short (5’4″ ish). So embarrassed.

  47. Miguel Says:


    I am so so sorry that this happened to you. This truly makes my blood boil the audacity of this women praying on the empathy of others, its infuriating! Its not even about the money but about the posturing and taking advantage of innocent people; especial those such as yourself who have been devastated in ways I cannot imagine.

    Please do report this to Penn. This happened to my SO at Penn at the Starbucks on Walnut. But, please pressure the Penn Police; as they basically told my SO to take a hike and really could careless. As much as it sucks to have our money basically stolen from us, its not even about that, its about protecting other people from being victims. They need to send out a crime alert at the very least. Please, Please pressure them!

  48. Sarah Says:

    Thanks Miguel, I work at Penn so I will try and pressure the Penn police and also ask my boss to do the same. It’s so weird, as I never, ever give money on the street AND I used to work as a counselor to rape and domestic violence victims and this woman was completely believable. Never thought I would be taken in.

  49. Julia Says:

    I’ve been keeping an eye out for our scammer since she got me. If I see her I plan to take her picture and bring it to the Penn police. Hell, I might even ask for my money back!

  50. Sarah Says:

    I called Penn police and they said they will send out a description to the campus police and look out for her.

  51. Myrina Says:

    Sarah- Her real name is Dana Rementer. The man you saw her with is her “husband” or baby daddy. She used to have her facebook page wide open so you can get pictures of her from there. I also turned her in to the Park Rangers at Ind Hall- that is Federal land and I was hoping they could get her for soliciting there. I also turned her in to the local precinct just in case. If you tell the Penn Police this they can pull her rap sheet. She’s done time for robbery. I think you can trace this thread to the timeline of when she is in jail. I’ve noticed she usually pops up on here when she’s been released. From talking to many experts, I believe she is being abused and “trafficked” for drug money. None of us should feel bad about helping her. I think each time she meets one of us, a seed is planted and maybe some day she can break free. The last thing I told her was, “you’re worth more than he says you are.” Hopefully some day she wakes up. In the mean time it’s best to let the Police handle it. I don’t trust her “husband”.

  52. Janine Says:

    has anyone tried calling the human trafficking hotline to report it? Or to police? Suspected trafficking might get a response and professional intervention.

  53. Anon Says:

    Myrina, I take your comment that “none of us should feel bad about helping her” as condoning giving money to this woman. If so, whether she is a victim or trafficking or, more likely, an addict of some sort, giving her money is not helping her, because it is either enabling her addiction or going to benefit the people who are trafficking her.

  54. lara Says:

    I got taken in by this woman today at Washington Square Park at 7th & Walnut– she asked me about a women’s shelter, told me she had escaped from a “12 year abusive relationship” and needed to get to Doylestown– she was wearing a back-pack,had dyed red hair and sunglasses (green eyes when she took them off). She was talking on a cell phone when she approached me. I was suspicious, but she was crying and seemed very distraught. I gave her $15 (all that I had in my wallet) and told her how to get to Jefferson Station; I should have stuck around to see where she went!I felt uneasy about her, even though she is very convincing and did some searching and found this article. She is very good at what she does and a TOTAL SCAM ARTIST!

  55. K Says:

    She found me today at Rittenhouse and Walnut. Same story and physical description described in the above posts. She caught me at a very vulnerable moment and I gave her $$. At the time, it felt natural to help her, but something made me Google the situation and this thread popped up. The whole thing makes me sad.

  56. Mary Says:

    She fooled me today. 34th and walnut at the food court. I reported to penn police and they basically laughed at me.

  57. KS Says:

    Got taken in today at Loew’s hotel – gave her $50. Definitely Dana Rementer.

  58. Hello! Says:

    Maybe people should stop giving money to strangers? I know it makes you feel good about yourself and helos to assuage your liberal guilt, but that’s all it accomplishes. Even people in genuine need are generally better off receiving help in the form of anything but cash. And, of course, there’s a chance you are enabling a scammer

  59. Sarah Says:

    I got scammed today today as well. Name was Jennifer. She struck up a conversation with me in a Cosi and was so convincing. She should be an actress. Really, it was that good. Said she had been in this relationship with her boyfriend for 7 years, knocked her teeth out and she just couldn’t be anymore embarrassed about the situation she was in. She didn’t have any ID so she couldn’t get the transportation voucher. I had no reason to be suspicious. I thought I could help her out, so I gave her $60. Definitely this woman Dana. I think I might send her a “nice” little FB message offering that she takes that money and get an education or some class at the very least. Hate being taken advantage of.

  60. AB Says:

    She got me yesterday in the Starbuck’s on Market St. Same exact story as Sarah above. Her name was Jennifer, boyfriend knocked her tooth out, needed money for ticket to a safe house in Reading. It’s a shame that people are evil enough to exploit the goodness of others. I even bought her coffee because she was so distraught & pathetic.

  61. Ann Says:

    Today Dana Rementer approached me at the 30th street station crying and with a black eye. She never asked for money but seemed like she was in a very stressful situation. Her eye looked terrible. She took my pen and was acting erratic.

    It is definitely her based on her Facebook page photos.

  62. Balldot4.6 Says:

    Did she ever grow an avo grove?

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