
Woman seeks help after mugging

May 13, 2011

A woman was mugged early Sunday morning near 47th and Chester. She has reported her story on Craigslist and subsequently on some of the neighborhood listservs. We wanted to pass it along here in case anyone found any of her stuff. She asked that her name not be used. She writes:

I was mugged near the corner of 47th and Chester Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Stolen was my beloved vintage coach bag (black) with wallet, phone and personal items. If even just my bag or any of the contents can be recovered I would be so grateful!! A black moleskin planner ( my email is inside front cover), vintage 90’s liz claiborne sunglasses with suede case (they were my mom’s), a faux alligator wallet with ID, etc. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! A small monetary reward will be yours!

The woman said she later called police and filed a report and added in an e-mail:

I just want to put it out there that the mugger knocked me down from behind, I didn’t see him coming. He ran very fast and with full body force semi-tackled me to the ground taking my bag in one fell swoop. Unfortunately I often come home late with no escort….. I’m in the restaurant business. I try to be as safe as possible but there’s always that one time…. I have been in West Philly for 5 years and love the neighborhood, it’s sad to feel uncomfortable here now. I’m sure I will move on from this soon but my experience has been very violating and emotionally difficult.

Her story prompted a response from resident Stephanie Zeck, who reminded folks that escorts are available:

The number for the university city walking escort is 215.898.9255 – they will meet a person at their location ( with approximately 15-20 minutes notice ) and walk them safely to their destination. after 3am and until 7am, Penn security takes over. I have had GREAT experiences with the escorts … they are kind and helpful, and will absolutely be there when you need them.

If you have any information on the stolen belongings, you can drop the woman a note at the craigslist e-mail address:

comm-zjezh-2375083597 — at —

1 Comments For This Post

  1. tom Says:

    i just got mugged between 48th and 47th on Chester. Wonder if it’s the same guy

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