
How to Walk to School video

May 16, 2011

EdelbergAuthor Jacqueline Edelberg, the parent who helped turn her kids’ failing Chicago elementary school around, spoke to parents, teachers and community members earlier this month at the Henry C. Lea School (4700 Locust). Video of her 30-minute talk, which includes the story of how she and other parents changed their school and advice on improving schools in general, is below.

Edelberg co-wrote How to Walk to School: Blueprint for a Neighborhood School Renaissance, which has become sort of a how-to guide to improve urban neighborhood schools. The West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools invited Edelberg to Lea, where the group of about 200 parents and community members is focusing much of its efforts. Lea has gained much attention in recent days as a possible alternative to Penn Alexander School, which plans to cap enrollment in some grades this fall.

Edelberg’s strategy, which she talks about in detail in the video, included opening the school up to the community and parents. Experts from the neighborhood taught workshops in her school and parents were always present in the classrooms.

Part 1:


Part 2

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