
Last week to vote for Community Education Center

June 13, 2011

artsThis might be the easiest thing you could ever do to help out an important West Philadelphia organization. A click. That’s it. There are only four days left (until June 17) to vote for West Philly’s Community Education Center (CEC) to help them get a $50,000 grant from Maxwell House. The center is competing against nine other community organizations across the country and only top five vote-getters receive the money.

During recent weeks, the CEC was fluctuating between positions 4, 5, and 6, so every vote counts. You can come back and vote every day. This week votes are hidden so it won’t be possible to know how the CEC is doing until the end. To vote, go here:

The CEC is a non-profit community based center with the focus on arts programming, music, dance and theater for people of differing backgrounds and cultures. You can read more about the center here.

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