
Police find huge cache of stolen goods. Anything yours?

July 14, 2011

PoliceHave you had anything stolen in the last year or so? Maybe a camera? Or an I-pod? There is a chance it might be sitting at the police department’s 18th District headquarters right now.

Southwest Detectives discovered a massive cache of what they say are fenced items in a clothing store near 52nd and Chestnut. The items recovered include hundreds of cameras, cell phones, I-pods, flat screen TVs, gaming systems, jewelry and GPS devices. Police are asking that victims of robberies, burglaries and break-ins come to the 18th District headquarters at 55th and Pine Streets after 4 p.m. today to claim an item.

The tricky part of this, of course, is identifying and proving what is yours. Police say they will work with people, but that a police report filed when the item was taken would be extremely helpful.

Police believe most of the items were stolen from West, Southwest and South Philadelphia and Upper Darby.


3 Comments For This Post

  1. Lia Says:

    Do you know if you need to show up in person, or if you can call to check? I no longer live in the area, but my old apartment (50th and Hazel) was broken into this past April, and I’d be ecstatic if I could get anything back.

  2. Mike Lyons Says:

    Hi Lia. Not sure, but I assume you have to show up. Give them a call: 215-686-3180

  3. Lia Says:

    I gave them a call (it was busy when I first posted my question) and it sounds like they do need everyone there. I’ll try and get out of work early to get there around 4!

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