
Porch theft chronicles: Bike wheels, chair cushion and … compost?

July 16, 2011

Neighbor Eli Green reports some porch thefts recently near 49th and Springfield:

“I wanted to give a head’s up that in the past few days between our house and the neighbors’, three bikes have had their front wheels stolen.   The bikes have been chain locked to the porches, and the thefts have occurred while people were home – both in the afternoon and at night. (This in the 49th/Springfield area). This comes after having the cushion to my porch papasan chair stolen, and something I would have sworn was least likely to get stolen- a compost bucket full of stinky, rotting compost.”

7 Comments For This Post

  1. Kim Woodbridge Says:

    It’s amazing what people will steal – I’ve had a bucket of compost stolen and my doorbell.

  2. Maryte Papadopoulos Says:

    Eli, Did you report this or make a complaint? There have been some attempted break ins on the 900 block of 49th street also. It may be a good idea to let the police know since 49th street is getting hit with theft lately.

  3. Mike Lyons Says:

    @Kim. Someone stole your doorbell?

  4. Eli Says:

    Maryte – Only the chair cushion and compost were mine. The cushion was a few months ago, and I doubt the cops will care about my compost. I will tell the owner of the bikes to report.

  5. Keira Says:

    We passes two older guys asking for money who claimed to be homeless veterans outside our place on Chester around 47th/48th. My friend told them he’d talk to them later when we left the house. They came and rang the doorbells at the building saying “we’re not gonna wait here all day.” We heard them outside talking about taking bikes and things with a hacksaw while they waited.

  6. Lisa Says:

    Someone already asked, but seriously, did you report all this??????

    At the community meeting w/ Philadelphia & UPenn police early this year, they said they want to know about this stuff–all of it! We admitted that we did not report the little stuff, including the theft of a power tool left visible in the car (car window broken). We just decided we should have known better.
    @Keira, that info they want, too.
    Do the police read this site?

    Stolen from outside our house: bag of topsoil, a potted plant, the nozzle off the hose, even water from the hose.

  7. Kim Woodbridge Says:

    @Mike – Seriously the dumbest thing ever stolen. It doesn’t do you any good without the internal unit.

    I did not formally report these thefts although I guess I should have …

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