
In search of water ice

July 22, 2011

iceThe temperatures are expected to top 100 today and many people, kids and adults alike, will rush to water ice vending trucks and carts in the hood to stay cool.

But, if the trucks are not in sight where do you get your fix?

A couple of places that we like are located on Spruce Street (between 48th and 49th). Quick Stop Deli (4832 Spruce St) and Great Taste Chinese Food restaurant (right next door at 4834 Spruce St) have several flavors of water ice on tap.

If you know of any other shops or restaurants selling water ice please share information about them below. And by “water ice” we mean the delicious soft serve kind, not the pre-packaged one.


6 Comments For This Post

  1. Phil Says:

    Although it’s not wooder ice, you can also stop by Mood Cafe (Baltimore Ave. between 46th and 47th) for shaved ice: a fruit cup with crushed ice on top flavored with sandalwood and rose syrups.

  2. Kim Says:

    Accu Pizza at 48th and Spruce has lots of water ice for olny $1-3!

  3. Laura Says:

    Donuts Plus on 44th & Chestnut has really good water ice. A medium is only $1 and they have really good flavors like Strawberry lemonade and mango.

  4. Brian Siano Says:

    Let’s not forget the guy with the water ice cart in Clark Park.

  5. one9 Says:

    there’s a cart at malcolm x as well…50cents or $1

  6. mdschill Says:

    Yeah, last year the wooderice at Accu Pizza was from Fred’s, and i think they said it still is. And Fred’s has had a cart at Clark Park before and during Much Ado About Nothing.

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