
Daily News: Family of stabbed student wants answers, hires attorney

August 1, 2011

Evan Morris. (From his Facebook page)

The family of 22-year-old Drexel senior Evan Morris is urging police to continue the investigation of their son’s death, saying he may have been “set up,” the Daily News reports today.

Morris was stabbed three times early Friday morning in his ex-girlfriend’s apartment on the 3400 block of Race Street and later died. Police have said that the man who stabbed him, an unnamed student from another university, acted in self defense and that charges would likely not be filed in the case.

But Morris’ parents have hired an attorney, Willie Nattiel Jr., who told the Daily News:

“We believe that there is much more involved with this. We don’t like that he was being portrayed as this crazed burglar.”

Nattiel even speculated that Morris may have been “set up.”

Read the entire article here.


3 Comments For This Post

  1. Beach Says:

    It’s about time the real story is being reported.

  2. getalife Says:

    Everyone knows the real story and only those who shared in Evan’s drug dealings will want anything but the truth to be told. It’s all in the police reports considering Evan told the cops he was going after the victim that night when he was being questioned about the first fight where he practically kicked the victim to death. Evan was the pursuer. Evan waited for TWO hours before he kicked down two doors and entered with a knife. Evan cost his own life and his two buddies that were hanging out with him that night had plenty of opportunity to STOP him from doing something so very stupid. Evan’s blood is on their hands as well as his own hands. I suppose when you choose to do drugs and huff inhalants you don’t make very good decisions. It should be a lesson for all. This story could have easily read much differently considering his drug crazed state…. “Drexel Senior charged with murdering 3 college students”… as that is what would have happened if the victim did not think on his feet. Evan went there planning to kill him and any witnesses. Sorry kid…. the victim did not set him up.. Evan did all the planning. The victim is a hero for saving 3 lives from a crazed drug user.

  3. Getalife is ignorant Says:

    Whether this child decided to partake in drugs or not was their choice and has nothing to do with the fact he was stabbed three times. If it was indeed self defense there’s no reason to stab someone three times and not call the police. The only reason why they were even there was from a neighbor. As for him going to the apartment i’m sure He was provoked. Drugs or sober no one would just get up go to someones apartment and kick in the door. Your story doesn’t make sense either of even waited two hours than the “victims” had more than enough time to call the police and as for the night before there are such things as protective orders. The couple didnt want to do it for the obvious reason they wanted revenge and probably didnt think this would be the end result. If I was the family i would do the exact thing and get the lawyer to assist more as well as get a court order for any kind of records especially cell phone calls and messages being sent and recieved from specific numbers. As stated before its obvious he had to be provoked to go there no one stopped the nonsense or called for help and in the end a young man lost his life, other has to live with the fact of killing someone(accident or not), and someone has to live with the guilt of I should of-could of-would of. In the end there are no winners and nothing good shall come out of this.

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