
If running alone has got you down ….

August 22, 2011

Clark Park Track Club
Clark Park Track Club meets every Monday night at the #13 trolley shelter. (Photo from Clark Park Track Club Facebook page.)

Are you a runner or considering becoming one?  Here are some like-minded people who can help you get started or keep you going. Clark Park Track Club welcomes people of all ages and skill levels to join them for runs around the perimeter of Clark Park (o.5 mile loop).

The club was founded in the winter of 2010 by neighbor Janine Schwab to provide a safer environment when running in the dark during winter months. But soon Janine saw other opportunities for the club to flourish, including a chance for parents to run in the park while their kids play at the playground.

Now the club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. (6 p.m. in the winter) at the #13 trolley shelter (43rd & Chester) and as many as 10 people have shown up for the 1-4 mile runs. The club is looking to grow so that they can accommodate different paces for partnering. Right now paces range from sub-elite to turtle. Rollers and walkers are welcome too.

The club doesn’t have a website yet, but you can visit their Facebook page.

Another West Philly running club, West Philly Runners, is also open to runners of any experience level. They meet each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. outside of Abyssiania at 45th and Locust. Runners usually do a 2-, 4- or 6-mile pre-planned route around the neighborhood.

The club is not affiliated with any of the universities but students are welcome. Those who take part are also invited to convene at Fiume (above Abyssinia) for a post-run beer or two.


1 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Runners Says:

    So thankful, as always, for the support from West Philly Local.

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