
The final Stroll of summer

August 30, 2011

Baltimore Avenue Dollar StrollHow do we know that the summer’s almost over? The final 2011 Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll will take place this Thursday, Sept. 1. Yes, the fourth and the final one this year. So, don’t miss the chance to enjoy $1 deals again and say goodbye to this event until the next summer.

We hear that nearly 20 businesses, vendors and food trucks will participate in the final Dollar Stroll, so look out for new participants.

The stroll will start as usual at 5:30 p.m. (it’s not a bad idea to come early) and will go on until 8:30 p.m. Apart from the vendors, there will be live music and street performances as well. And, as always, there will be copies of the free West Philly Mix Tape download card available for pick-up. If you haven’t got one, stop by the University City District table in front of Calvary Church (48th and Baltimore).


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