
Lost male tabby cat (46th & Pine). Update: Found!

August 31, 2011

Tabby cat missingUpdate (Sept. 7): We learned that Hickory was reunited with his family two days ago.


This information comes from the missing cat’s owners who live near 46th and Pine:

We are searching for our cat, Hickory. He has been missing for over a week now – he is a wanderer so we weren’t too worried at first but he sometimes strays far and I’m wondering if he got lost or someone took him in mistakenly.

He is black and grey striped with white on chest and paws (I think he is brown as well, but my son thinks just grey), with green eyes.

He usually wears a collar with his name and phone # but I wonder if it came off. He is very friendly and will usually approach people. He is micro-chipped.

If you have seen him or think you have seen him, please let us know. You can call 215-510-7067 and speak to Al. Thanks, he is very much missed.

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