
Dog missing from 46th & Woodland. Update: Found!

September 3, 2011

Lost dogUpdate (Sept. 4): The dog was spotted and later found by his owners at his old apartment!


This pooch (Theo) went missing last night (Sept. 2) near 46th and Woodland. He was last seen on Baltimore and 46th St. He is one year old and is a shih tzu/poodle/bischon frise.

He has a blue collar with only a rabies tag on it (the name tag broke off). He is shy and skiddish towards strangers (he ran away from a few people when they tried to catch him).

A cash reward is offered to anyone who finds him or leads his owner to find him. The owner’s name is Jessica and her contact number is 570-313-3847.

5 Comments For This Post

  1. fluffy dog Says:

    I was wondering if there is a way to subscribe to your newsletter if you have one, will check thanks fluffy dogs

  2. admin Says:

    @fluffy dog- if you mean our blog you can subscribe to it here.

  3. rich Says:

    Newsletter? not sure what you mean by that…Details?

  4. Jessica Says:

    Thank you so much for your help and concern. We got him back because of the community and all of their help!! I am so grateful for everyone. Social media has been fantastic in addition to low tech help. This is an example of the good in this community and how amazing people are in a time of tragedy. I believe in Karma and I know that for every time that I have helped someone that this good happened in response.
    Thank you again!!
    P.s. If anyone sees a sign for the lost dog that we had put up could you remove it. I have a couple places I have to call before I can get out to remove the signs and I would appreciate any help I can get 🙂

  5. gwyneth Says:

    so glad you found him!

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