
Volunteers needed to help with school science fair projects

September 13, 2011

iPraxis, a non-profit organization located in the University City Science Center, is looking for volunteers to help students prepare for science fairs. Lea Elementary (47th & Locust) is one of the schools where help is needed. See the flyer below.

iPraxis flyer

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Amara Says:

    The time requirement for Scienteers is about 1-1.5 hours per week for an 8 week period. Times to meet with students vary but usually take place during or right after the school day, depending on the teacher’s needs. Background checks are required but reimbursed for the Scienteers during Orientation. Orientation is scheduled as Scienteers sign up, dependent on their schedules. During the orientation, iPraxis goes over Science Fair project components and helpful insights to working with students.

    Lea Science teacher Baretta Massey has been working with iPraxis Scienteers since the program started about five years ago. Lea students mentored by Scienteers have won several science fair awards. It’s a great program!

  2. Milele Sullivan-Gailliard Says:

    Good Day,

    I am writing to know, if your organization would be open to High School aged youth who have worked with children for three years as interns to assist/ volunteer with this project? We would send students who have an interest in science and math and also do well with those subjects in school. They already have a resume, educational portfolio, staff pictures on file and have had training on one-on-one mentoring, class room management for Teens and curriculum instruction. We can send one of our Staff to assist with their mentoring/supervision as well. Our main office is in a University of Sciences building, where our Non-profit, Say Yes to Education, Inc is located. Our agency has partnered with the Belmont School in years past, and some of our youth this past summer worked in the Lea School as summer program paid interns. We believe that they would be an asset to your program and it would be a GREAT intergenerational approach for them to maybe even partner with another adult volunteer to serve your students. As you know, the school year has just started and soon High School aged youth with join activities etc and the time is now to find out which one of our youth if your agency thinks partnering would be a good idea, would like to sign up for your 8-week program. Please feel free to e-mail, or call me 267-973-3647 about the prospect of our High School youth volunteering with your students.

    In service,

    Milele Sullivan-Gailliard

  3. Amara Says:

    Hi Milele, that sounds great. I forwarded your comment to iPraxis – I’m not actually affiliated with them, just a neighbor. Thanks!

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