
Unusual bike stolen from 43rd and Locust

September 14, 2011

We came across this flyer last night. A handmade bike was stolen from 43rd and Locust. $100 reward is offered for its return. How do you ride this thing?

Stolen bike



8 Comments For This Post

  1. Melissa Says:

    I saw a guy selling this exact bike at the entrance to Clark Park on Saturday around 1:30pm, near the farmer’s market, for “$50 or best offer.” Maybe someone bought it and would be willing to return it for the reward. Sad. My beloved bike was stolen last year as well.
    Maybe it’s time to lessen the incentive for stealing bikes by launch a campaign against bike shops that sell used bikes without proof of ownership, and against metal scrap places accepting bikes.

  2. Handsome Pete Says:

    I clicked the link because I wondered if it was the same bike I saw for sale at Clark Park on Saturday. The original poster beat me to it.

  3. Kate Says:

    Pete, Melissa:

    Any chance either of you could offer a description of the person selling the tall bike? It might help the person who lost their bike get it back!

  4. emily Says:

    this is my friend’s bike and he has been frantically searching for it.
    kate’s idea is great: could you post a description of the person or where they were sitting with the bike for sale? maybe he can recoup it at this saturday’s mkt.
    if not, he has offered a $100 reward w/ no questions asked for it, he built it himself.

  5. Gabriel Says:

    Usually you don’t worry about somebody stealing your tallbike.

  6. Handsome Pete Says:

    The guy was sitting at the start of the farmers market at 43rd and Baltimore.

  7. Aram Says:

    Hey, this is my bike – just wanted to say that I appreciate you posting the flyer. I have not had anyone report a sighting of the bike since Saturday, but I’m keeping my hopes up that maybe this weekend the guy will try take it out to sell it again and will see one of my flyers, or will sell it to someone who will. Thanks again.

  8. Aram Says:

    Bike was recovered! Thank you to everyone who contacted me with information or just to wish me luck in finding it.

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