
Neighbors report gunshots, police activity last night west of 47th and Hazel

October 7, 2011

A few neighbors are reporting gunshot sounds and a lot of police sirens last night, around 11:45 p.m. west and south of 47th and Hazel. The gunshots were also heard near 45th and Locust. We are trying to get more information from the police. According to Detective Joseph Murray’s tweet, what people heard might have been “multiple rounds from a .40 caliber and an AK-47” at 58th and Springfield. Apparently, no one was hurt.


20 Comments For This Post

  1. jes Says:

    I heard 4 gunshots in a row from 43rd and Locust. Police vehicles then came from N. 44th and turned W. onto Walnut.

  2. jes Says:

    ps: these 4 shots were as loud as the one shot a few years back from 44th and Locust, so I’m wondering if they might have been closer than 47th and Hazel?

  3. Victoria Says:

    I live between 45th and 46th, one house in from Locust. We were outside, in the street, unloading our double-parked car and heard the shots – I ASSURE you that the shots fired were very close to 46th and Locust. There were also 2 vehicles that appeared to be fleeing on Locust (high speed, running stop signs). I called 911 within seconds of the shots being fired and there were police racing past us within 2 minutes.

  4. 47er Says:

    I live on 47th and Springfield. I heard the shots and then 2 long sirens and things went quiet. I didn’t think it was too close though.

  5. rgl Says:

    i live at 46th and locust and heard 3-4 gunshots in rapid succession, VERY loud.

  6. 46th Says:

    Did anyone hear 5 shots in succession around 46th and Locust on Wednesday?

  7. Keith Says:

    Hmmm. Would be nice to get some official recognition of a separate incident seeing as I live on Locust between 45th and 46th. Any word yet from the authorities if there was another incident closer to here?

  8. too Says:

    I heard the shots too, from where I was at 50th and Catherine. Sounded like it was coming from west. Very loud.

  9. stephanie Says:

    we are on 8xx s. st. bernard street – and we ducked for cover because the automatic gunfire was so loud and (seemingly) so close – it sounded as if it was from 50/51st, not 58th.

  10. Kate Says:

    We’re at 50th and Hazel–there were two vehicles tearing down Hazel at high speed one after the other around that time. I’d assumed it was two drunk drivers. I didn’t register the sound of gunshots, but I’m not always attentive to outside sounds when I’m at home. Would like to know, of course, what the whole story is here.

  11. j Says:

    I live on the 4500 block of Locust and heard 4 rapid shots around 11:45. It sounded very close. Within a minute, we heard police sirens heading west. There has been speculation that what we heard was the activity at 58th and Springfield, but it seems like something else was going on, too. Victoria — what time did you call 911?

  12. Victoria Says:

    From my phone’s call history, it was 11:43pm.

  13. Jb Says:

    I heard 4 loud shots (not high pitched like when someone got shot in the foot on my block) from 46th and locust, late between 11:30 and Midnight.

  14. Madame Znobia Says:

    I’ll take .40 cal. from Breslyn for the win, Alex. I heard 3, not 4, shots, and they definitely weren’t from 58th St.

  15. Kimm Says:

    I was on my back deck at 49th and Warrington. I’ve been in this neighborhood since 1990 and gunshots used to be a nightly occurrence, I usually can tell the difference between fireworks and gunshots, but last night I wasn’t sure – it was so loud and so many. Seemed to me definitely more than 4 shots. The Fuzz’s description of two different guns, one an AK, fits with what I recall hearing, it was erratic, lots of shots but not steady like with one automatic. I used to try to be a good citizen and call 911 everytime I heard shots, but I gave up many years ago trying to tell where gunshots come from – sound bounces off walls and through windows in deceiving ways in the city, and there is no point in wasting the cops’ precious time on wild goose chases. But I would have placed it somewhere between 49th & 50th and Baltimore and Chester. I can’t believe I would have heard something that sounded so close from either 46th & Locust or 58th & Springfield.

    I did hear the sirens too, but they sounded far away – like 46th & Locust.

    Like I said, I used to sadly be used to gunshots and don’t usually get worked up over them, but whatever I heard last night sounded both close and serious (AK-47 kind of serious).

    Perhaps there was more than one thing happening last night. I have long imagined that if folks shoot guns but don’t end up hitting anyone, much of the gun activity in the city goes unreported.


  16. Eli Says:

    A car was hit by a bullet directly outside my house (46th and Larchwood, on Larchwood). I overheard a conversation between the owner of the car and an officer around midnight that night. The owner of the car stated that he could hear two men arguing from his home, he heard one saying something about ‘not going back to prison’, and then heard the shots. A bullet grazed the top corner of the car, shattering the back window. I’m surprised there isn’t any information since the shooting hit something and was reported.

  17. Scott Says:

    I live in Garden Court Plaza high-rise (47th and Pine) facing north, so I could see the whole thing from desk at the window. I heard three or four distinct shots and within minutes saw an ambulance and two or three police cars racing to the area on 47th St between Locust and Walnut. They were there for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes shining flashlights around at the apartment building on the east side of the street.

  18. Jen Skirk Says:

    Did anyone hear the shot at about 6pm today, on 46th street north of Locust (maybe Walnut)? I was at 46th and Locust in my car with the windows open – I heard what was distinctively a single gun shot. Everybody walking down the block stopped and turned northwards – people came out of their houses to look up the street… About 3 minutes later I passed by the gas station at Walnut and 46th and there was a cop car there with lights on – no indications what happened though. Does anyone have any information on this?

  19. 46th Says:

    Jen- I did, we called the police and I heard a car go by minutes after… I have no more information. This is getting a bit nerve racking. Let me know if you hear anything.

  20. aisha33 Says:

    I live on 49th an spruce an i didnt hear anything. I have lived in this area for a long time an it is getting better but there are still alot of problems that need to be fixed.

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