
Young calico cat found near 47th and Hazel

October 12, 2011

Found calico catWe received this information from one of our readers.

“We live on the 4700 block of Hazel Ave. For the past few weeks, we have seen a young calico cat (we think female) on our block (see photo). She has a collar, appears in good general health and is friendly; we assumed she belonged to someone on our block. The past few days, we noticed she has an eye infection which is getting progressively worse… Anyone knows anything about this cat? (does she actually belong to anyone? Is she being treated?)”

If you know who this cat may belong to, please email Heather at: heather.simoes.torpey [at]

8 Comments For This Post

  1. City Kitties Says:

    This cat was spotted on 43rd St in July. As I recall, someone claimed to own the cat. Either that person moved, or the cat is no longer being cared for. I will email the folks who were trying to rescue her back in July and see if I can figure out who the owner is. If no owner can be found, City Kitties will do our best to find room in our foster network and take care of the eye. Poor girl.

  2. City Kitties Says:

    And I am 100% positive it’s the exact same cat. I have a photo taken in July. Same markings, same eye. At least the eye can’t get any worse–looks like it’s been gone for some time.

  3. wphil Says:

    Her name is Shug…she belongs a house on 43rd and osage. Her eye was treated by a vet back in aug/sept.

  4. Kate Says:

    Thanks to Heather for speaking up about this cat! I’ve seen her around at the intersection of 47th and Hazel, and she’s VERY sweet–and tiny! If this is the same cat you’re thinking of, City Kitties & wphil, she can’t be more than five or six pounds of cat. Here’s hoping she gets back to her family on Osage soon and gets that eye taken care of.

  5. City Kitties Says:

    Unfortunately I can’t figure out who the owner is from the info I had from July. All I know is that they lived near 43rd Street and someone had been in contact with them about this cat, and said she is microchipped. If Heather is reading this, maybe you can take her to get the chip scanned at PAWS or another vet? If the owner can’t be located, we are happy to help.

  6. Heather Says:

    Hi everyone, thanks for the info about this cat. It’s nice to know people care about the animals in the area. Is it possible it’s not the same cat as the one seen on Osage? Just wondering because she’s been hanging around for awhile and I swear her eye didn’t look infected prior to last week. Although it doesn’t seem to be bothering her so perhaps what I’m seeing is just the permanent effects of a prior infection that I didn’t notice before.

    City Kitties… Thanks so much for offering to help with this little cat. You’ve helped before with strays I’ve found and I always appreciate the good work you do. I know you don’t have many volunteers but I was wondering if anyone might be available to take her to be scanned? I would like to help her but I”m pregnant and cautious of handling her for infectious reasons.

    Thanks again for the replies

  7. Anita Says:

    This afternoon this black calico cat appeared on our front steps at 47th & Cedar. She’s wearing a red collar, is super friendly, tiny skinny, but didn’t eat much when I offered her food. She doesn’t appear distressed or lost. Will keep an eye out for her. Meanwhile I’m
    feeding two other cats who visit our yard between Cedar and Hazel. One is all black,
    sweet and dainty, quite a tree climber and an adept hunter, but prefers canned food over
    live game any day. The second cat is long haired, gold with white markings, very wary,
    but waits for food to be put out. I suspect both these cats are former house cats who’ve
    been abandoned.

  8. Lia Says:

    Hi, I’m the owner of this cat and she is NOT lost or missing. 47th and Hazel is her new home, and as a outdoor cat she could be spotted around that area. She has a collar and is chipped but is still adjusting to her new territory, so please refrain from feeding her. Also, if you happen to find an animal you suspect is homeless, please continue to report them to City Kitties. They were very helpful in finding Shug when she had been in dire need before (When we lived on 43rd, one of our neighbors had unknowingly deposited her to a kill shelter).

    Thanks for your interest in her though, she is a very sweet and unique cat who loves making new friends ^_^.

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