
Article: Fewer kids in catchment area than thought, but schools’ futures still murky

October 20, 2011

Photo courtesy of Plan Philly.


West Philly-based writer Patrick Kerkstra has penned the most comprehensive article to date on the enrollment issue at the Penn Alexander School (43rd and Locust), the school’s impact on the surrounding area and the possible reshuffling of enrollment patterns at other elementary schools in the neighborhood.

Published at Plan Philly and The Notebook, Kerkstra analyzed block-level census data in the article and concludes that there are actually fewer children in Penn Alexander’s catchment area now than in 2000, a year before Penn Alexander opened. This is possibly good news for parents hoping to get their children into the school because it suggests the overcrowding issue in Penn Alexander’s lower grades may ease without drastic measures such as a lottery or redrawing the catchment boundaries. (Kerkstra has graciously shared his data with us. Click here for a Google doc that has it arranged in very readable tables. Note the tabs at the top for each school.)

He also highlights a serious drawback to the school’s presence in the area. Census data clearly shows that the catchment area, and the school itself, is getting less diverse. As home prices have risen, the number of African Americans living in the catchment has decreased significantly.

Unfortunately, no one from the school or the District would go on the record with him to discuss plans to address overcrowding in the school’s lower grades or the long lines to enroll in limited kindergarten spots.

Kerkstra also goes through the implications of the possible closing of the under-enrolled Alexander Wilson School (1300 S. 46th St.), which was suggested in recommendations to the School District of Philadelphia published earlier this year. The final word on that will likely be announced in the next few weeks.

His article also includes the work of groups addressing school issues, including the West Philly Coalition of Neighborhood Schools, which is working with Henry C. Lea Elementary (47th and Locust) and Advocates for Great Elementary Education, which has focused on shedding light on the enrollment issue at Penn Alexander.

Be sure to read the whole article at Plan Philly here or The Notebook here.


5 Comments For This Post

  1. Amara Says:

    Google Doc link is missing.

  2. Mike Lyons Says:

    Thanks Amara. Fixed. It’s now at the end of the second paragraph.

  3. West Philly Grammarian Says:

    The article title should be “Fewer kids….”

  4. Mike Lyons Says:

    Right you are Grammarian. Changed. Thanks for keeping us on our toes.

  5. Anon Says:

    I don’t understand how almost 500 kids under the age of 5 in the PAS catchment isn’t a reason for concern. If we pretend the age break down is evenly distributed (though it’s probably weighted towards 5), wouldn’t that be almost 100 kids trying to get into PAS a year?

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