
A house turned Dumpster

October 27, 2011

Neighbors have been complaining about some folks dumping their garbage near the abandoned house at 629 S. 49th Street. We went over to check it out and here’s what we saw.

Trash dumped near house


Trash dumped near abandoned house


Trash dumped near abandoned house


32 Comments For This Post

  1. khalif campbell Says:

    This shit is so (edited) people must stop this dirty shit period!!!

  2. TerryC Says:

    I walk by this everyday on my way home from the Trolley stop and it’s absolutely abhorrent and completely unnecessary. We have a consistent trash pick up and even open dumpsters on that block. Add it to someone’s collection if you don’t there. People disgust me. Is there anyone we can call to have this cleaned up? I live close I’d love to partner up with some concerned neighbors and do so myself -if not.

  3. one9 Says:

    are you sure it is abandoned?

  4. TerryC Says:

    There may be some people squatting One9 but, I’m quite sure there’s no paying residents living there. The door’s usually ajar and a smell comes from it. So I’d say- yeah, there’s someone in there.

  5. west_philly Says:

    believe it’s S. 49th

  6. admin Says:

    Shoot, did we say 44th? Forgive our typo.

  7. JBC Says:

    This is a nuisance property. I have lived around the corner from this property for almost 10 years and it’s always been would love to be part of a collective action to have it condemned. I have heard from former squatters that it is complete un-salvageable both inside and out. What can we do??

  8. suzanne Says:

    i put up a post on the philly fb page about 714 s 49th st and they suggested i call 311. i’m about to do that. maybe one of the above posters might want to call about this property? 49th st can be beautiful if we can work together!

  9. Nadia Adawi Says:

    According to the Philadelphia Office of Property Assessment, 629 S 49th is owned by Betty and Leory McCray – anybody know them?

  10. Amara Says:

    Leroy McCray is dead:

    Ironically, he worked as a city sanitarian/health inspector.

  11. CC Says:

    According to a quick web search this property is up for sale- as a shell- for $100k.

  12. Neighborino Says:

    I did a little more digging on the property records. It seems that the Redevelopment Authority condemned this house in 2003 along with many other properties across the City. It entered into an agreement with the McCrays in 2005 deeding them the property in exchange for them promising to fix it up. According to the terms of that agreement, if they failed to do so, the agreement would be in default, and the RDA could pursue rememdies including taking the property back. It’s pretty clear that they are in default. My question is, if the McCrays are gone (possibly deceased), who is selling this property? A call to the RDA may also be worth a shot.

  13. JBC Says:

    Maybe the seller can be contacted through the listing agent?

    Here is the real estate listing:

    The obituary indicates the other owner, Betty Thompson Mccray, is still living, there appear to be a couple of Philadelphia-based descendants.

    So, if it’s for sale, can the city still act to condemn the property?

  14. Samirah Says:

    I live a couple blocks away and would be more than happy to help clean it up if others are interested.

  15. Lisa Marie Says:

    most of the city’s nuisance properties are also tax delinquent, but the city is terrible about selling these properties off.

    you can look up real estate tax for any property in phila here:

    but i can’t figure out if this means the property is delinquent or not.

  16. Neighborino Says:

    The RDA could find the owner in breach and act to take the property back, but my guess is that they’d prefer the owner to unload it.

  17. Phillyexplorer Says:

    Yes, the house is delinquent:

    TOTALS THROUGH 10/26/201 $12,909.67

  18. suzanne Says:

    maybe the sheriff’s sales will resume and some of these eyesores will turnover. i sure hope so.

  19. Abby Says:

    I know this is an old post, but I was just thinking about this today. Whatever happened with this house? I think someone was planning to call 311 – any luck there? I would love to help however I can.

  20. neighbor Says:

    Abby, thanks for bringing this up again, because I certainly interested in making progress on this issue. I called 311 today (I specifically mentioned the trash dumping, as well as the dangerous condition of the house) and was told that someone from L&I will be out to investigate the complaint within 30 days. They took my name, address and phone number. I asked whether there was any avenue to receive a complaint from a group of neighbors, and basically the answer was no – the woman I spoke with advised that individuals should call 311. So I encourage others to call, as well!

  21. mowfaux Says:

    Is anyone willing to come out one weekend and help clean it up? I’m more than happy to join in, but I don’t want to do it myself. I don’t live on that block, but I’m close and know exactly where this place is.

    I have work gloves and plenty of energy 🙂 If there were about 3 people, I think it would take less than an hour to bag everything up and put it on the curb, especially if we bring shovels!

  22. Abby Says:

    I’m willing to help, but I’m wondering if it would be helpful for the city to see it as-is? I don’t know how this works but thought that seeing the full mess might help convince them to make it a priority? I’m available most weekend mornings though to help clean it it up. Let’s get to it before the weather gets cold.

  23. mowfaux Says:

    I would be inclined to agree with you, but it’s been like that through the entire summer. I don’t think they care, and we’re the ones that have to live with it 🙁

  24. neighbor Says:

    While I totally love the spirit of cleaning it up, I agree with Abby – according to the woman who took my 311 call, the city has to do an investigation within 30 days, and any action that is recommended will look more urgent if the agent sees it as-is.

    If nothing happens after that, then I’m all for organizing a clean-up.

    I do think it’s important for others who care about this to make their own 311 calls. The more calls, the more an agent may pay attention to our case.

  25. mowfaux Says:

    Understood. How about, if the garbage is still there through the winter, we get together to clean it up in the spring?

  26. neighbor Says:

    absolutely. I HOPE by then some official action will be on the move.

    In the meantime, I thinking about how to contact the police about the drug activity that occurs in the alley behind that same house. The alley is obviously a stash place. My neighbors and I see individuals coming and going from it. This has been happening on and off since I moved to the block 10 years ago. But I am scared to be identified. Thoughts?

  27. Kathleen Says:

    Contact Lieutenant McBride, He’s very responsive to reports of drug activity around the neighborhood. Or go to the police/community meeting at Calvary (Thursday evening) and talk to him there.

  28. neighbor Says:

    Thank you – this is very helpful. I will write to him.

  29. Mike Lynch Says:

    I understand that the house has been sold and significant outdoor cleanup has occurred.

  30. Abby Says:

    That’s terrific! Thanks for the update.

  31. Mike Lynch Says:

    Huge renovation project underway!

  32. Gus Says:

    What cities still allow this except Philly and Detroit!???

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