
Neighbor report: gunfire, police presence early morning at 49th and Springfield. Update: Man shot to death inside vehicle

November 5, 2011

Crime scene. 49th & Springfield.
At the crime scene this morning.

Update: Detective Joseph Murray of Southwest Detectives reports that a man was shot and killed inside of a vehicle in front of 4915 Springfield Avenue around 1:10 a.m. The man was from the 4100 block of Girard Ave. Motive is unknown right now.

A neighbor reports that early Saturday morning, around 1 a.m., he heard about five shots fired at the corner of 49th and Springfield and there was a huge police presence shortly after that. Upwards of a dozen police cars showed up and half of the block west of 49th was closed off with tape, the neighbor said.


9 Comments For This Post

  1. anon Says:

    We live at this intersection and woke up to the gun shots. Police showed up, and blocked off the street. Local media came later, and is reporting that someone was shot and killed inside their car (, located on the north side of Springfield.

  2. westphilly Says:

    The Fuzz twitter is reporting the victim is a male who lived at 41st/Girard.

  3. Marie Says:

    I woke up to about 3 shots fired around 4:20am on Baltimore between 50th and 51st. I could hear music all night from the club/party that was going on and then at 4:20 heard the shots and saw cars speeding away. Three cop cars showed up but none had their sirens on. Any information about this?

  4. Juju Says:

    Hi Marie,

    I saw all of that too, the people came out of a “club” that has been running out of the storefront @ 5019. There’s usually serious noise and minor arguments between 3:30 and 4:30 on Fri and Sat Nights. There was more arguing than usual, and I have a full view of the spot from my window. There were 4 shots fired, dunno if anyone was hit. Everyone took of running, someone rammed one of the people running with their car, but the runner got back up. Most of the cars left before the cops showed up, then the officers, when the arrived, never got out of their cars. They drove up and down the block a few times, then parked for a moment in front of the store front, and everyone who hadn’t left right after the shots just went back inside, and the police drove off.

  5. Juju Says:

    also, please excuse the load of typos in that comment.

  6. Marie Says:

    Thanks Juju- I’m down the block and saw the same thing as you. The cops coming by with no sirens and just driving slowly. All I saw them do was tell some of kids that were lingering to go home.

    I felt like the “club” was especially loud last night too. Some times the partying goes until 5am or later. I missed the runner getting hit by the car. Craziness.

    Thanks for the info!

  7. anon Says:

    For those of us that live on Springfield, this makes yet another serious and terrifying crime in the last few months (the rape and robbery of the couple was only 3 blocks from here). What are the police, or anyone else, doing to make the Springfield corridor safer?

  8. King Says:


    Sorry man, but the police aren’t doing anything about it. There may be a few decent cops here and there, but do you really think they care about this? This sort of thing happens all the time and the cops never do anything about it. Even if the people are caught, they will just get a few years in prison and come right back to murder and rape more people.

  9. James Says:

    King, im sorry you feel that way about us (police) I work in that district at night, trust me, we do care, theres alot of crime in our district, we cover market to woodland, 63rd to 30th street, a big area to cover with 8 or 10 units…as a police officer it ripes through me when a crime is committed in my district, I promise I will will do my best for you and our community…God bless (Officer Cobb)

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