
Nature up close in Clark Park

December 23, 2011

A hawk swooped down and grabbed a squirrel yesterday afternoon in Clark Park while kids, who just got out of school, looked on. (Photo by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local)

Clark Park at about 4 p.m. yesterday looked and sounded as usual. Kids playing after school; their parents nearby chatting. People walking their dogs or reading the paper. Then things changed for a few minutes when a large red-tailed hawk swooped down, grabbed a squirrel and perched about 20 feet off the ground near the older kids’ playground. The hawk sat on a branch with the squirrel dangling from its talons as people gathered underneath the tree to get a better look – the parents of younger children looking a little nervous. The hawk, one of many that call Philadelphia home, lingered for 20 minutes or so before taking his dinner to a more secluded location.



2 Comments For This Post

  1. Jen Says:

    Great Photos! Mike : Squirrels :: Weegee : Mobsters.

  2. Nature Red in Tooth & Claw Says:

    I am glad that someone had the camera and chops to document this! I’ve seen a few hawks swoop down and snatch pigeons in Clark Park — and have been met with disbelief. I’m carrying a copy of this in my wallet!

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