
Christmas tree recycling options

January 2, 2012

Here are some more details on how you can recycle your Christmas tree.

Option 1:  From Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Saturday, Jan. 14 West Philly residents can drop off their tree at the Sanitation Convenience Center located at 3033 S. 63rd Street. The center is open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Christmas trees brought to the site should be free of all decorations and ornaments, untied and free of plastic bags or wrappings. For more information call (215) 685-4290, 01.

Option 2:  You can bring your tree to Bartram’s Garden (54th St. and Lindbergh Blvd.) on Saturday, Jan. 7 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. during Christmas Tree-Cycling & Coat Drive. Your tree will be recycled into wood chips. $5 donation requested. All decorations must be removed. No early drop-offs, please. Also, gently used coats will be collected for donation to Feel The Warmth.

Option 3:  Also on Saturday (Jan 7) UC Green will set up a Christmas tree collection station at Clark Park (43rd & Chester). Bring your tree along with a $5 donation between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The collected trees will be recycled into wood chips for Farm 51 and the Holly Street garden. Also at the same time and place, UC District is collecting used electronics for recycling, so if you have anything with a plug you want to dispose of, please bring it in.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Jess Says:

    At 3pm yesterday, we brought our tree to Clark Park and were told that we were tree 291! There were many more coming in as we were leaving! Thank you U.C. Green Awesome trun-out neighbors!

  2. silvia Says:

    Hi, is it still on today Sunday Jan 9? I read in some website it was today so I was going to go in the afternoon… Do you know of any other spot where I can take my tree? Thanks!!!

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