
Free knitting workshop this Saturday

January 4, 2012

Folks of any age or gender are invited to a free knitting and crocheting class this Saturday, Jan. 7, 2:30-4:00 p.m. at the A-Space Gallery (4722 Baltimore Ave). Long-term West Philly resident and activist Katie Krauss will teach you how to knit or crochet (it’s your choice) a variety of things, such as arm warmers for winter biking, baby hats and more.

Katie will also bring a list of resources so that you can easily continue your project and will discuss thrifty ways to get fancy yarn. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to kate[at] and let her know whether you own knitting needles or a crochet hook or need them. If you have a choice, bring the biggest ones you have (small ones will work too).

Yarn and snacks will be provided. A contribution to the A-space of a few dollars is appreciated but not mandatory. If you already know how to do needlework and just want to hang out and work on a project, you are also welcome.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Jazmin Says:

    This was a wonderful event! There was a big turnout of novice knitters and crocheters. I helped a bit with knitting instruction and I hope Katie hosts more of these!

  2. admin Says:

    Katie posted some photos from the event on Flickr. Here‘s the link.

  3. Casey Says:

    There was quite a turn out. What a great way to learn a new skill with minimal investment. Thank you yarn donors and volunteer teaching assistants.

  4. Linda S. Says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE host another one of these! I tried to make this one with my twin 5 year olds but missed it. I am totally willing to help with planning, coordinating whatever to make this a regular event!

    We are desperate to learn how to crochet and knit and have some human interaction!!

  5. Bridget Says:

    Missed this – please do it again! Thanks!!

  6. Katie Krauss Says:

    Hi there,

    Many thanks for our volunteer teachers and the great people who donated supplies!! Extra supplies went to a charity knitting group that meets on Sundays at A-Space; contact Jazmin Idakaar if you would like to join.

    I’m thinking of doing another one of these knitting 101 classes as a fundraiser for my AIDS organization–or maybe one for adults and one for kids (8 and under?) and their parents to teach them spool knitting. Spool knitting is much simpler than regular knitting, which perplexes even many grown ups.

    If you are interested, send a note with your contact info to and let me know which one appeals to you or other ideas you have.


  7. Jazmin Says:

    Yes, I will be hosting a charity knitting group on Sundays. I think 5 years old is a bit too young for my group, but I hope you will check out Katie’s future knitting/crocheting classes!

  8. Sherry Says:

    A few of us West Philly neighbors meet every weds from 6-8 at a free knit night at Rosie’s Yarn Cellar near Rittenhouse Square. Don’t expect a free knitting lesson, but it is a good place to come and hang out and chat and get quick advice. I should mention it is pretty much usually adults.

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