
New self-guided walk in University City

January 4, 2012

The American Volkssport Association (AVA), a national walking club, has created a new self-guided walk in the University City area. The walk route includes the Drexel, Penn and USP campuses, Clark Park, and Woodland Cemetery.

The word Volkssport is German for “a sport for the people” and Germany is where the Volkssport walking clubs were started. The local chapter of the club is the Liberty Bell Wanderers and they sponsor walks in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. The walks are intended to encourage fitness while enjoying a walk created by locals to highlight interesting local sites.

The club holds two kinds of walks. The first type is the Year Round Event (YRE) like the one created for University City. The second type is a one time event walk where club members get together to walk a special route on a specific day. Most walks are 10 kilometers or 5 kilometers and designed to show scenic and historic locations and other interesting sites.

The walk is free but if you become a club member you are requested to pay $3 for the walk. Club members receive books that are stamped after each walk and prizes, usually a pin or patch, when a member reaches a walking milestone like 50 walks or 100 kilometers walked.

If you want to try the University City walk, here’s what you need to do. Visit the Cosi Restaurant at 30th Street Station and ask for the Walk Box. The box will provide you with walking directions. Please be sure to sign in so that the Liberty Bell Wanderers know how many people have participated. Some more information on the walk is available here.

For more information on the AVA or to become a member, please visit


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