
Two robberies at gunpoint on Chester and Springfield last night

January 19, 2012

crimeTwo women were robbed at gunpoint Wednesday night within an hour in separate incidents on Chester and Springfield avenues near 47th Street. A police spokesperson said they are “absolutely sure” the robberies were committed by the same people.

The first incident took place at approximately 9 p.m. A 31-year-old female was standing on the corner of 48th Street and Chester Avenue waiting for a trolley when two males walked across the street and asked her when the trolley was expected to arrive. The woman said that she looked up the trolley schedule on her iPhone and said that it would be arriving in 3 minutes. One of the men pointed a black handgun at her head and said, “Give me your phone.” The woman then threw her phone across the street, ran to a friend’s house and called the police. No injuries were reported.

The incident is the latest in a string of robberies at trolley stops in the same area.

Also on Wednesday night, at approximately 10:00 p.m., a 32-year-old woman was walking on the 4700 block of Springfield Avenue when two males approached, pulled a handgun and demanded her pocketbook. The brown leather pocketbook contained numerous credit cards, $290 in cash, an iPod Nano and an iPhone charger. The males fled on foot toward 47th Street and Windsor Avenue. The woman’s pocketbook along with most of the contents was later discovered on the 4700 and 4800 block of Windsor Avenue. Her iPod Nano, $290, and iPhone charger were missing.

The suspects are described as two black males. The first one is heavy build, 5 feet, 9 inches and 18-20 years old. The second male had a thin build was also 18 to 20 years old and had a dark complexion.

Police have said they will step up patrols in the area beginning tonight.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. Blah Says:

    Given the increase in the number of crimes between 44th and 48th in the last few weeks, you’d think the police would’ve already be out. They’re totally useless in this city.

  2. Let's Clean UP This Mess Says:

    I was a victim of a hit and run (car) by some thugs a few weeks ago, first thing I did (what any normal person would do) I called the police, well, what I was told was, “If you think the police are going to come out to the scene of a hit and run, you got to be kidding yourself. We are out catching the bad guys, like murderers, rapists and muggers” – Philadelphia Police. Seems like they are doing their job and doing it good….. blah : /

  3. mowfaux Says:

    I hear a lot of police activity and a helicopter… it sounds like it out towards Chester?

  4. Linda Says:

    Over winter my break, my house was robbed and vandalized. I live with 5 other young female students near University of the Sciences on Chester and 45th. I’m just glad no one was injured but you can’t help but feel more vulnerable.

  5. kt Says:

    [comment removed] – spare us the macho bs.

  6. Lo Says:

    This is a shame but in what world do you take your iphone out in front of a stranger at night at 48th and chester? That in incomprehensibly stupid.

  7. kelly Says:

    Lo, see this is where i disagree. What is “stupid” is that someone can’t be gracious enough to give someone the time or let them know the trolley is scheduled to be at a certain stop without the fear of having a gun pulled on them. so instead of having a community of people who interact, say good morning, give each other the time, etc…we continue to be “okay” or think it is “stupid” for us to not be able to interact with one another without the fear of being robbed.
    the thing that is stupid with this scenario is that these asshats were able to obtain a gun and are now using it on in individuals who chose to be considerate.

  8. Lo Says:

    @kelly – but that is the reality of living in an urban environment. west philly isnt chestnut hill. you can continue to wave around your $600 phone at night in a robbery prone area in hopes of being an upstanding citizen but eventually its not going to end well. the fact of the matter is these “kids” DO have guns and WILL stick them in your face for that phone.

  9. kelly Says:

    i personally don’t carry anything on me when I walk around west philly, nor do I have an expensive phone…but why should we accept that our neighborhood is “robbery prone”? aren’t we letting the “kids” win — an urban environment doesn’t have to mean you should fear being robbed while trying to catch public transportation…especially when you are trying to be helpful. call me naive, I guess people have just given up on trying to make west philly safer.

  10. Casey Says:

    If being urban is defined by crime rates, Philadelphia is way more urban than NYC according to Wikipedia’s crime statistics.

    What was the correct thing to do in this situation? Profile the guys and assume they are up to no good? What would have happened if she said she didn’t know? Probably the same thing since the theory is these two guys stole the other woman’s purse with out her inviting them to by waving her stuff at them (by that I mean offering to answer or help them at their own prompting).

    Any advice would be appreciated. If I find myself in a similar situation I don’t want to be rude and provoke an attack, but I don’t want to be friendly and invite an attack. I have gotten hit in the back of the head for “looking” at guy “the wrong way”, I have gotten cat called followed to work for smiling. Granted this was in another part of the city, but we all seem to agree that crime in the area has been on the rise here, so am I just supposed to expect that some day my fiance might be beaten to death on our way home from the bar like that guy last week in old city, or that I might be killed for my bike like what was going on in Northern Libs/ Kensington last year if I chose to live here?

    Lately, I feel like I have read a rising number of comments here that propose that it is not my place to look for ways to improve my environment, but for some reason other people are free to look for ways to degrade it.

    There are other “urban” areas (re: cities) that have lower crime statistics. Hell, there are areas of this city that have lower crime statistics. Blaming the victim has no positive impact on our community, and will not change the negative stigmas we face today.

  11. Tim Says:

    “Beginning tonight”?

  12. kt Says:

    Yeah, it’s stupid and macho to expect the police to protect innocent civilians and, failing that, to expect and encourage innocent civilians to arms themselves with legally-obtained firearms, to stand up to criminals, and to work to make our neighborhood safer. Things are working out so well right now.

  13. Jen Says:

    My daughter, her friend, and I have been out selling gs cookies on Baltimore Ave (@50th, and @45th)- it made me feel positive about things here – many different & friendly people stopped. Yes, it was early evening, and it’s a well-lit area, and they’re GIRL SCOUTS for heaven’s sake so we were alert but not particularly worried – I’m not suggesting any sort of SOLUTION here, just saying that YES there is crime and I’m scared part of the time, but this is also a solid community and it felt good to be in it.

  14. Stewie Says:

    I live at that intersection and don’t understand the commotion completely.

    Considering smart phones now have GPS tracking, give the thief your phone and track him using ICloud(Apple) or Plan B(Android). Now if you own a Windows phone….pity the thief or be relieved you no longer have to deal with Windows Mobile…

    All kidding aside…*No Thing* is worth endangering your life!

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