
Stolen motorcycle at 49th & Springfield

January 27, 2012

A reader reports that his friend’s motorcycle was stolen last night near 49th and Springfield. It is an 85 Honda Rebel 250 with a studded seat (see photo below). It is an olive-ish green color and has a dime size hole in the seat and has longer, not stock, rear shocks. A reward is offered if found.

Please email Chance at chanceafrica [at] with any info.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Stewie Says:

    Chance…sorry to hear…can you pic link via the comments section?

  2. guy Says:

    it isnt my bike,and i dont know why the photo isnt included….i’ll see if i can figure out how to do it.

  3. Sarah Says:

    Thanks for posting! Any info can be directed to

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