
Next town watch training to be held this Thursday

January 31, 2012

If you want to start or join a town watch group on your block and missed the town watch information session earlier this month, here’s another opportunity.

Next training will take place on Thursday, Feb. 2, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Renewal Presbyterian Church (47th and Cedar). Patty Bulack of the Cedar Park Neighbors Watch group will be there again to share her experience. Also there is a strong confirmation from Tara Smith, the official trainer from Town Watch, that she will be present this time.

Neighbors are welcome to come and discuss how town watch group members are working together. If you don’t think you can participate in the collective town watch efforts, you are welcome to come and learn about how to be safer.

For more information please contact Patty at: pbulack [at]

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