
Speed dating at Walnut West Library

February 5, 2012

Are you single, between 25 and 35 years old, looking for a partner and love reading? Then this event may be for you. On Monday (Feb. 6), come to the Walnut St West Branch Library (40th & Walnut) for the Literary Speed Dating event. You are encouraged to bring a book you love, hate, or just want to use as an ice-breaker.

Mingling and light refreshments start at 5:30 p.m. and speed dating begins at 6:00. The event is free, but pre-registration is required. And please arrive early, as no-shows and late arrivals will forfeit their place on the registration list to those on the waiting list.

To register, please email Dan at ryand [at]

NOTE: This event is for straight singles. A similar event for gay singles is taking place tonight at 6:00 p.m. at the Independence Branch.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. fromula Says:

    Hi – I’m the one running the event tonight! We have a lot of women signed up (in fact I’m putting women on the wait list now) but we still need more guys to make the male/female ratio a little more balanced!

  2. amarie Says:

    Fromula & Dan:
    Can you please share more information about the event? What is your email?


  3. fromula Says:

    Hi – Honestly this is the first time I have done an event like this, so I really don’t know any more that that! I can say that we keep people’s contact info private: you can indicate on a slip provided which people if any you would like to share your contact info with so they can get in touch with you. Plus we have a giveaway of a ticket to see Anne Rice at the Central Library. There will also be coffee and chocolate-covered pretzels 🙂 You can email me at

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