
New location for GO WEST! Craft Fest

March 15, 2012

Click to enlarge. (Photo from

VIX Emporium has sent news that the location for GO WEST! Craft Fest has changed. This Spring’s Craft Fest will be held at The Woodlands (40th & Woodland) on Saturday, April 14 (rain date – Sunday, April 15). It is a cemetery, but the Craft Fest will be in a space that is set apart from it, so you don’t need to encounter any grave sites unless you want to stroll around the grounds and view historic grave markers and monuments.

This Craft Fest will be the biggest show yet, with 50 of Philadelphia’s finest artists and crafters presenting their work – jewelry, clothing, screen prints, home accents, fine art, toys, cards, accessories, soaps, candles, terrariums and more.

There will be live entertainment as well, with Jay Sand of All Around This World doing a kid’s music set, and a performance by Tiny Circus. There will also be random acts of juggling throughout the day and face painting for kids.

For more information, click here, or check out the event’s Pinterest board to see some examples of the vendors’ fine work.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Jenn Says:

    Looking forward to it!

  2. Christina Says:

    I hear people are just dying to get in!

    Haha. Get it? Get it? Aww, never mind.

  3. shazoooo! Says:


  4. Emily Dorn Says:

    The idea of having a craft show in a cemetery takes a little getting used to (me too at first), but really the Woodlands is such a gorgeous and under-appreciated place. Although we hadn’t thought of having a craft show there before, this year it is A LOT harder to get permits for events in city parks (it was in Cedar Park last year), so we needed another alternative. The Woodlands really fit the bill because it has this wide open space right across from the trolley portal where the vendors can set up and be visible from the street. Hopefully people will also explore the grounds (54 acres of green space!) and even take a tour of the Hamilton mansion, which is pretty amazing. The Woodlands is a really special spot and we are so happy to be having GO WEST there!

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