
Easter Egg Hunt on Sat, April 7 at Clark Park

March 21, 2012

An Easter egg hunt for kids 0 – 8 years old will be held in Clark Park on Saturday, April 7, from 3 – 5 p.m., rain or shine. The event is being hosted by the Renewal Presbyterian Church (47th and Cedar). The event is free, but the egg hunt spaces are limited. See the flyer for more information.


8 Comments For This Post

  1. Mis Says:

    I am always amazed by the planning of such events for kids. Does anyone realize that kids age 2-6 tent to have a nap somewhere between 1-4pm? Why everything runs according to adults schedule? Let’s wake up, move for latte and do some community work after noon.
    Egg hunt would be so much fun at 9am, 10am, noon or 5pm. Instead half of the theoretical participants will sleep it over.

  2. Tim Says:

    Don’t eat the brown eggs.

  3. Livia Says:

    It’s a very clever schedule. Because it can catch the post-nap children and position the family out of the house and in a commercial corridor right at dinner time.

  4. bemused Says:

    wow– maybe don’t complain off the bat and just be happy that the community is having such a nice event– there could be other reasons why the event had to happen during these hours and unfortunately they weren’t able to account for specific nap-times….
    also,the event is 3 hrs long– i’m sure parents can maneuver schedules slightly to accommodate one hour of egg hunting (after which, most kids get distracted anyways)

    point being– we should be grateful that the community has such events

  5. charles Says:

    there is kids soccer at the park in the morning, so it’s not as if scheduling was done without consideration to other events.

    i for one am grateful for the volunteers at renewal who organize and engineer these events. these events don’t simply happen or appear out of thin air. moreover, the volunteers have no inherent obligation to organize such events. to repeat myself, these events are put on by volunteers who want to bless the community. feel free to be or not be blessed. but please, let’s try to limit the tunnel vision sort of criticisms

  6. bemused Says:

    Thanks for the clarification Charles!

  7. Christina Says:

    Wow. Seems some of you would complain if free money was given to you in $50 instead of $20 bills. Don’t like the timeframe? Organize your own egghunt, publicize it, buy enough stuff for everyone, and then get annoyed when people complain about some aspect of the event you’re doing all of the work for. Problem solved!

  8. M Says:

    I believe you are overstating your defense. It is fabulous to have activities around our neighborhood. It is just that time-wise + space for egg hunt is limited + ages 0-8: makes it kind of unfit for the target audience, or at least part of it. And that’s all.
    It would be great to have the possibility to comment what we want in the aim of helping but shunning everyone who is not completely pleased, who tries to add something, telling her/him to go make your own egg hunt ect. is kind of rude.

    do not overreach!

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