
Teen arrested in string of robberies

March 23, 2012

A 17-year-old West Philly resident faces assault and robbery charges in connection with two gunpoint robberies this week along 50th Street between Hazel and Walton Avenues.

The unnamed teen allegedly held up a woman at gunpoint at about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday near 50th and Hazel and another person yesterday near 50th and Walton, according to police spokesperson Tanya Little.

The victim of Tuesday’s attack said a neighbor found her purse in her yard and guided detectives to a house near 52nd and Cedar “which appeared to be occupied by minors without adult supervision,” she said by e-mail. Police reportedly found her wallet and i-Phone in the house along with evidence from other robberies.

The victim, a 28-year-old woman named Jen, said that the person who stole her wallet on Tuesday used her debit card to buy clothing.

“[He] was wearing the exact designer apparel brands that he purchased via my debit card,” she wrote.

11 Comments For This Post

  1. shazoooo! Says:


  2. Ralph Says:

    Who cares? He’ll be right back out doing the same thing in a few days.

  3. wza Says:

    I’d like to know more on the house “which appeared to be occupied by minors without adult supervision”…

    If this is true I’d like to know if the absent adults/parents will be held responsible too.

  4. shazoooo! Says:

    I’m curious which house it is… there’s a few empty houses on Cedar.

    Do you think owners of these empty houses should be responsible for squatters in abandoned houses?

  5. shazoooo! Says:

    In PA, you’re looking at a minimum sentence of at least five (5) years in prison per count. Even without priors.

  6. Tim Says:

    It’s a shame they won’t allow him to accessorize in prison. He would look stunning alongside the lovely Kenyatta and the delightful Marquis.

  7. jen Says:

    The other minors were his siblings. Their mother is incarcerated, which is why they lived w/o adult supervision. Their grandmother is now involved, and cooperating with police. Sadly, her presence has come too late for these kids.

  8. Amy Says:

    This is so sad-I have a friend who works for a non-profit who tries to provide programs for just this situation. However, the gov’t. funding they had previously has been cut and so programs have had to be cut.

  9. Ralph Says:

    It’s not sad Amy. Lots of people grow up in bad situations and don’t rob people at gunpoint. Put down your organic granola for a second and see it for what it is, an idiot that deserves everything he gets and then some. It’s not sad at all. What’s sad is that he can’t be sentenced to life without parole.

  10. RT Says:

    Ralph is right. The only sad part about this story is that this goon won’t be locked away in a cell for the rest of his pointless life. Many people have it rough; they don’t all turn into violent animals.

    I guess this little wannabe will find out how tough he really is in prison.

  11. Sam Says:

    Ralph – your cynicism is not helpful and, more importantly, I think you’re actually wrong. This kid can’t afford bail, in particular with no parents in the picture and a judge wouldn’t release him without bail with no parents in the picture. He’ll be in jail at least until the case is resolved.

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