
40th Street Artist-in-Residence Program accepting applications for 2012-2013

April 3, 2012

2011-2012 residents. (Photo courtesy of 40th Street AIR).

40th Street Artist in Residence, a program that awards West Philadelphia artists one year of free studio space, is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 residency. If accepted to the program, artists will be granted a studio space at either 4007 Chestnut or 4013 Chestnut Street, beginning on August 25, 2012 and ending August 15, 2013.

The program, founded in 2003 by artist Edward M. Epstein, addresses the need for studio space in West Philadelphia and assists artists with their career development. In exchange, residents are asked to share their creative talents with neighbors. Examples of this include creating a public installation or holding a workshop or class.

To apply, please complete and submit the application that can be found HERE by Monday, May 7, 2012. Email it to [at] or mail it to 40th Street Artist-in-Residence Program, 4007 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. To read more about the program, click here.


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