
Free spay/neuter for low-income pet owners at PAWS

April 10, 2012

Here’s some great news for low-income pet owners. PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) is now offering free spay/neuter for residents of 19143, 19145, and 19146 who are on any form of public assistance (Access, Medicaid, etc.). This is thanks to funding from PetSmart Charities and the ASPCA. In addition to the spay/neuter surgery, pets also receive rabies and distemper vaccinations if needed, and pre- and post-operative exams.

The goal is to spay/neuter 1,200 animals by the end of November as part of this program, in hopes of reducing the number of animals that end up in Philadelphia shelters or produce unwanted litters.

All services are provided at the PAWS Clinic, located at 2900 Grays Ferry Avenue. You can call 215-298-9680, email clinic [at], or stop in to make an appointment. They are open seven days a week.

Since opening in March 2010, the PAWS Clinic has served more than 24,000 rescued and owned pets. “I know we can make an even bigger difference in the community, thanks to this funding,” PAWS executive director Melissa Levy says.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Tim Says:

    Bring your pitbulls, low-income pet owners!

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