
Missing orange tabby cat (last seen on 49th Street between Walnut and Locust). Update: Found!

May 7, 2012


Update (05/10): Pigpen was found the other night and is back home (see Comments).


Neighbor Stacey is looking for her beloved cat Pigpen who seems to have gone missing. Stacey believes he escaped last night as she was letting her dog out before bed and she unfortunately didn’t realize he was missing until this morning.

He’s a small, thin, orange cat, approximately 10lbs., wearing a bright red breakaway collar with an identification tag (unless it came off of him). He’s normally very friendly and chatty but he’s not used to being outside so most likely he’s scared and holed up somewhere. He was last seen on Sunday, May 6, at 10pm on 49th Street between Walnut and Locust.

If you’ve seen Pigpen, please contact Stacey at:

12 Comments For This Post

  1. shazoooo! Says:

    I’ll keep my eyes open for him!

  2. Linda Says:

    Yes, please keep us posted. Your info is being circulated on the various listservs. Lost kitties are usually very close to home, and tend to hide out, so search thoroughly and as often as possible. Am sending search suggestions separately. -L

  3. Juju Says:

    We’ll keep an eye out for him down here (Baltimore Ave)

  4. Mary Says:

    A friend spotted PigPen on the Calvary Church steps tonight about an hour ago. Haven’t heard back from him yet but he’ll pass the word around to everyone he knows in the area.

  5. Linda Says:

    I believe the cat at the church is not Stacey’s cat, but a cat that was apparently abandoned either last night or this morning. Stacey said she had gone over to Calvary earlier today and it wasn’t Pigpen. I’m shocked to read that the ‘abandoned’ cat is still at the church… Someone says it is in a carrier/cage… Is this true? -L

  6. Stacey Says:

    Pigpen has thankfully been located/apprehended, but I am still worried about the cat at Calvary. It was really difficult to leave it, and someone from the UC Neighbors group may have identified it but not sure. It is definitely a house cat and misses its family. 🙁

  7. Linda Says:

    Stacey, that is GREAT news!! Is Pigpen okay?

    I just came back from looking for the cat at the church and didn’t find any sign of him/her. I hope we can find out more tomorrow. Get some rest !

  8. Mary Says:

    Glad Pigpen was found 🙂 Hope someone can check out the other kitty

  9. Stacey Says:

    He’s just fine, just a little scratch on his nose. I hope he taught himself a lesson, but either way he’s getting microchipped after that ordeal!

  10. Linda Says:

    So glad he is okay! PAWS Clinic (Grays Ferry Ave) does microchipping for $20, which is about a third of what many vets charge these days. No appts needed Fri, Sat, Sun.
    Take care!

  11. BrendaD Says:

    I went looking for the cat at Calvary early this morning, but he/she wasn’t there. Does anyone know if the cat was safely picked up?
    I find it truly monstrous that someone would see a cat in a carrier on the sidewalk and just leave it there.

  12. Linda Says:

    I feel the same way. Just imagine all the folks who must have passed by that cat yesterday… Awful. If I find anything out I will post it here. -L

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